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332 results found

Development Areas

An areas designated as part of the authority's local plan to control the extent of development in or around an urban settlement.

Boundary Lines

'Boundary Lines' define areas within the North Hertfordshire Authority that are Parish, Ward, Settlement and Authority areas.

Sales Invoices

Wilton Park - Sales invoices raised to funders and fee paying participants

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones - Argyll and Bute

Development Management Zones as defined in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, comprising Main Towns and Key Settlements, Key Rural Settlements, Villages and minor settlements,...


The Allotment dataset contains information such as locations, settlements, catchment figures and wards for all allotments within the West Berkshire District.

Localities - Scotland

Larger settlements are divided into localities to reflect areas which are more easily identifiable as the towns and cities of Scotland. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to...

Pay Policy Statement

The Pay Policy Statement outlines the level and elements of remuneration for each Chief Officer, the remuneration of the lowest paid employees, the pay differential, known as the ‘pay multiple’...

Covid 19 - Support to providers

Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

1986-1991 Thorp, CH. West Sussex distribution of Ficopomatus enigmatus

Since 1982 a population of Ficopomatus enigmatus has been monitored with respect to larval settlement and tube accumulation on settlement panels. This report details the findings from this survey.

1986-1991 Thorp, CH. West Sussex distribution of Ficopomatus enigmatus

Since 1982 a population of Ficopomatus enigmatus has been monitored with respect to larval settlement and tube accumulation on settlement panels. This report details the findings from this survey.


The dataset was used in the development of the Core Strategy 2012 and shows the rough boundaries of unserviced...

Open Space Allotments

The Allotment dataset contains information such as locations, settlements, catchment figures and wards for all allotments within the Bassetlaw District Area. The Dataset was originally created for...

HSE Resource Management system

The Resource Management system holds the following information: Information on current staff and former employees for the purposes of general, human resources and financial management. These...

Mendip District Council Development Limits

This dataset outlines Mendip District Councils development Limits A “Development Limit” is the edge of the area in which development is considered appropriate as part of the built up area....


Landscapes with similar patterns of geology, soils, vegetation, land use, settlement and field patterns at the sub-regional scale within County Durham. Data derived from The County Durham...

Rural Areas within Local Enterprise Partnerships (Rural Development Programme) (England)

Rural areas within Local Enterprise Partnership boundaries (an interpretation by Defra given available information) and Built-Up Area geographies from the Office for National Statistics. This...

Green Wedges

Green Wedges comprise the open areas around, and between, parts of settlements which maintain the distinction between the countryside and built-up areas, prevent the coalescence of adjacent places...

Pay Multiple

Average pay is based on full-time equivalent annual salary olus additional payments for Chief Officers. It excludes election fees "Lowest paid staff" is defined as those paid on National 'living...

Thurrock Urban Areas Defined by Essex County Council

Information supplied by Essex County Council showing boundaries of Urban Areas/Settlement areas within Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

HambletonDC Article 4 Direction

Polygons representing the extents of Article 4 Directions in affected settlements of Hambleton. Adopted dates recorded. Released to comply with the INSPIRE directive For personal non commercial...