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English Housing Survey Households Report

Detailed findings from the English Housing Survey on people's housing circumstances. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Warm Front close out report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report

The UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report provides information on UK progress towards implementation and use of the INSPIRE infrastructure. It is a statutory requirement for member states to...

UK Location Metadata Summary Reports

Reports containg summary information about UK Location discovery metadata published on

Northern Ireland Labour Market Report

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment, earnings). Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Northern Ireland Labour Market Report

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment, earnings). Source agency: Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Northern Ireland Environmental Statistics Report

A reference point for a range of environmental indicators. Source agency: Environment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Northern Ireland...

Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

Employment monitoring report - Home Office

The employment monitoring report (EMR) are produced to provide an annual update on how the Home Office is performing against the monitoring of its statutory duties to its employees in accordance...

Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly report

Presents the most recent crime statistics from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. Responsibility for the compilation and publication of crime statistics for England and Wales...

Crime in England and Wales: Annual report

Presents the financial year crime statistics from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Armed Forces Psychiatric Morbidity Report

Statistics on psychiatric morbidity in the Armed Forces. As of 31 March 2010, this report will be published under the new title of 'Armed Forces Mental Health Report' Source agency:...

Roads Service Customer Satisfaction Report

Customers' opinions of the services provided by Roads Service in Northern Ireland. This includes key services such as gritting, road drainage, street lighting, safety measures, provision made for...

GB Reported Bicycling Accident Locations

UK Government official data on the locations of bicycling accidents reported to the police for the years 2005-7 on roads around Great Britain.

Diversity Data, SAP Reports and Downloads

Diversity data for all Department for Transport central staff available - Age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, name, location, directorate, etc. Data from System Applications & Products...

Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell Database

Reports of suspected Fraud submitted to the DIR Cell.  All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to witnesses, persons of interest, investiating officers, investigation...

DFID Annual Report 2011-2012

The Annual report meets the department’s obligation to report on its activities and progress toward the Millennium Development Goals under the International Development (Reporting and Transparency)...

Strategic export controls: reports and statistics

No description provided

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report

This data relates to FCO Annual Report accounts.

Performance Dashboard Pig movement reports

This dashboard shows information about how the Pig movement reports service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total cost of...