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WFD (Water Framework Directive) Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 water body changes

This spreadsheet contains comparisons of the numbers of water bodies reported in the two WFD (Water Framework Directive) cycle RBMP (River Basin Management Plans). The data is grouped by water...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Named Point

A settlement, locality, geographical feature, or area of water that has a name, represented as a point.

Named Area

A settlement, locality, geographical feature, or area of water that has a name, represented as a polygon.

River water quality: Annual average concentrations of selected determinands

This series is an amalgamation of all the river water quality data sets previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information about selected nutrients, heavy metals and other...

Home Office live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the Home Office headquarters building 2 Marsham Street.

Communities and Local Government energy and water consumption data page

This page provides access to real time energy (gas and electricity) and water consumption for Communities and Local Government headquarters building, Eland House, London. The Department's HQ...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Carbon Emissions and Water Use

The total monthly equivalent carbon emissions for the JSU Northwood site and the water usage

Rankings of trading estates as to water quality risks from runoff

Large catalog/data-sets of trading estate runoff giving a general picture of trading estate runoff and additional insight into the risk it poses. Summary statistics were calculated for the runoff...

Water consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Tidal Boundary

The alignment of the limit of tidal water at specific states of the tide. (This abstract has been temporarily padded to import into GeoNetwork)

OS Open Rivers

OS Open Rivers GIS data contains over 144,000 km of water bodies and watercourses map data. These include freshwater rivers, tidal estuaries and canals. Understand how water bodies and...

Phytoplankton Results for England and Wales

Official control monitoring data for toxin producing algae found in water samples within classified harvesting areas in England and Wales.

Phytoplankton Sampling Schedule for Northern Ireland

Official control monitoring data for toxin producing algae found in water samples within classified harvesting areas within Northern Ireland

WFD (Water Framework Directive) Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 water body change log

This spreadsheet contains information regarding changes made to water bodies (and their spatial representations) reported in the two WFD (Water Framework Directive) cycle RBMP (River Basin...

WFD River, Canal and Surface Water Transfer Water Bodies Cycle 2 Classification 2019

WFD River, Canal and Surface Water Transfer Water Bodies Cycle 2 Classification 2019 is an alternate version of ‘WFD River, Canal and Surface Water Transfer Waterbodies Cycle 2’ with the addition...

Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 Heavily Modified Water Body Use and Physical Modification

A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is to report the physical modifications and uses that have resulted in a heavily modified water body. This dataset lists the physical modifications...

Water Body RNAGS Weaver Gowy

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body Status Objectives Tees

Water body status objectives describe the long term aim for specific parts of the water environment. This dataset includes the latest objectives of all water bodies in the Tees catchment. Water...

Water Body RNAGS Avon Warwickshire

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...