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Local Land and Property Gazetteers

Local Land and Property Gazetteers for York This data is published under the [INSPIRE end user...

Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) website section updates

Annual updates to various sections of the ScotPHO website, including key points, policy context, key data sources, references and data summaries. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea - Properties in Areas at Risk

This dataset is a product of a national assessment of flood risk for England produced using local expertise. This dataset is produced using the Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea data which...

Number of website users who found the information about air quality easily available

Number of website users who found the information about air quality easily available *This indicator is discontinued

Aquifer Properties, Database Of Physical Properties Of Aquifers In England And Wales.

Data on the physical properties (transmissivity, storage coefficient, porosity and permeability) of aquifers in England and Wales. Compiled by BGS staff from paper records of field and laboratory...

Properties receiving ECO, ECO measures installed, Affordable Warmth referrals from ESAS etc.

This data is now located in the Household Energy Efficiency Statistics. They are published monthly on a provisional basis. These statistical datasets are available on and Find Open data....

West Sussex Land and Property Ownership

The dataset contains all of the land and property assets in which West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has an interest, both Freehold and Less Than Freehold. Most commonly, the data is mapped...

NNDR Accounts Properties 2016/2017

NNDR Accounts Properties 2016/2017

Tenanted Properties Managed by Barnet Homes

The list of tenanted properties managed by Barnet Homes, the London Borough of Barnet's Arm's Length Management Organisation for the management of housing.

Premises Database/Land and Property Assets

Shows Warwickshire County Council land and property ownership. The centre point

Portsmouth City Council Property Terrier

A database of indicative boundaries for land and property that Portsmouth City Council (PCC) own or have an interest in.

Wycombe business rates exempt properties

List of properties in the Wycombe district exempt from business rates.

Wycombe business rates empty properties

List of empty properties receiving business rate relief.

Wycombe business rates all properties

List of business rate information for all properties in the Wycombe District.

Chelmsford Business Rates Empty Properties

Business rates: A snapshot of current empty properties

Belfast City Council properties and use

This data set contains information about council buildings including the address, map co-ordinates and what the building is used for.

Non Housing Council Property Assests

List of non Housing Council Property Assets as of Nov 2012 - this list includes Voluntary Aided Schools which are supported, but not owned, by the Council (updated annually)

City wide empty properties trends

This dataset shows monthly trends for: * The total number of empty properties (regardless of tenure or how long empty) * Long term (6 months plus) empty private sector properties and * Long...

Council homes with property and letting attributes

A dataset providing Leeds City Council houses by address, includes build date, property type, property size and type, suitable for pets, heating type, restriction on who the property can be let to,...

Leeds City Council property lets

This data is Leeds City Council's social housing property lets through its Choice Based Lettings scheme. Column descriptions ------------------- * **CBL ID:** Choice based lettings ID * **AP...