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557 results found

Habitat point records from 1985 Dyrynda Poole Harbour (north) sublittoral survey

This assessment provides a general synthesis of the results of three surveys, which together have covered all areas of the subtidal Harbour bed. It is also designed to serve as a baseline,...

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The SHLAA is an ‘evidence-base’ document which does not allocate land for housing nor pre-empt or prejudice any future Council decisions about particular sites. It is an aid to plan making and not...

Barents Sea cod stomach contents data (1930-2018)

A new dataset on the diet of Atlantic cod in the Barents Sea from the 1930s to the 2010s. The data, from Norway and the United Kingdom, represents quantitative stomach contents records from more...

Mineral Safeguarding Zones

Milton Keynes Council is the Minerals Planning Authority (MPA) for the Borough. As the MPA, Milton Keynes Council has prepared a new Minerals Local Plan (MLP) in line with the National Planning...

Bristol Brownfield Land Register 2018

Local Planning Authorities are required to prepare and maintain registers of previously developed (or brownfield) land. The sites on the register are considered to be suitable, available and...

Buckinghamshire Council Brownfield Land

The council is required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as revised by the Housing and Planning Act 2016) to prepare a Brownfield Land Register (BLR). The content of the BLR is...

Permanent dwellings started, England, District By Tenure

This data set contains annual data and the most recent quarterly data on house building starts. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data should not be seen as an estimate for the...

Employment Land Audit 2016

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2018

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2017

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2016 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2015 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2020 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2017 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2018 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2019 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Employment Land Audit 2022 - Perth and Kinross

The Perth and Kinross Employment Land Audit is prepared annually to provide up to date and accurate information on the supply and availability of employment land for business and industrial use...

Health behaviours JSNA 2015 - survey data by district

In Lancashire there was limited information about the extent to which people engaged in health-compromising and health-enabling behaviours. To address this a project was commissioned to look at...

Peterborough Brownfield Land Register- December 2018

What is the brownfield land register The Brownfield Land Register is a new initiative to provide up-to-date and consistent information on previously developed sites which are considered...

Hackney Brownfield Land

Local planning authorities in England are required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land that is considered suitable for residential development. Sites which have been...