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Third sector engagement and participation in the learning and skills sector: quantative research

Data gathered from an online self-completion survey of Third Sector providers. The survey looked at the nature and extent of Third Sector involvement and participation in the learning and skills...

International Territorial Level (ITL) geography hierarchy boundaries, January 2021, UK, Online

International Territorial Level (ITL) geography hierarchy boundaries, January 2021, UK.Boundaries used (BGC) are generalised (20m) and are clipped to the coastline for Great Britain, but for...

Library statistics 2018-19

Library statistics 2018-19 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable 'Table 2...

Library statistics 2017-18

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2...

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : adult fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed adult fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies that...

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : junior fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed junior fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies that...

Strategic Export Controls: Reports and Statistics Website

An online database of export control licensing statistics issued by the Export Control Organisation. The database provides both bespoke and published quarterly and annual export licensing...

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : adult non-fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed adult non-fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies...

DCMS – Permanent Secretary Business costs, hospitality and meetings with outside interest groups

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors. Beginning retrospectively from the start of the 2009-10 financial...

DCMS Business Costs 1 July 2010 – 31 December 2011

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors. Beginning retrospectively from the start of the 2009-10...

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 householders data run by Buildings Research Establishment

Operations are essentially electronic, but paper files are held in tandem to live files on the database. Data from the online application system is exported on a daily basis into excel spreadsheet...

Directory of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows

Searchable online database of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows

Competition Statistics

MACC - Annual Statistics from MACC online Application

Consular Management Information

FCO Consular Management Information (MI) Data from various sources (including Compass, BRIDGE, and the Online Monthly Collection Sheet (OMCS) returns). It is used to allow Consular to retrieve...

Public Bodies 2014

Public Bodies 2014 provides a single transparent source of top-level data on all non-departmental public bodies, executive agencies and non-ministerial departments*. *HMRC is excluded. This...

Saracens Drawdowns

Barnet Council entered into a £22.9 Million Loan Agreement plus an amount for fees not to exceed £229,450 with Saracens Copthall LLP for the construction of a new West Stand as part of the StoneX...

DBS application volumes by Potential Employer name for March 2013

Data provides a list of the potential employer names and the volumes of paper/online applications submitted in the full month of March 2013.Produced for an FOI request.

Organogram of staff roles and salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for senior civil servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and their...

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS and number of checks requested January-June 2013

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS & No checks requested Jan-Jun 2013 - includes whether the application was submitted online or via paper route. Produced for an FoI request.

Adjustments for Measured Term Contracts

The monthly Updating Percentages may be used as a contractual basis for the reimbursement of increased costs on measured term contracts let on all PSA Schedules of Rates or other forms of...