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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received - (YTD)

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received - (YTD)

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Out of time - (YTD)

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Out of time - (YTD)

Training Needs Analysis

Biannual request for training captured in a spreadsheet

Customs 2013 EU initiative data

Data on Customs 2013 initiative requested by EU. Updated: quarterly / annually.

Customs 2013 EU initiative data

Data on Customs 2013 initiative requested by EU. Updated: quarterly / annually.

Change of Work Orders (CWO)

Record of and documentation to show formal requests for change issued to estates Private Finance Initiative (PFI) providers. Updated: as required.

Paper file retrievals from HMRC Document Storage Repositories

Total volumes of all paper files requested from HMRC Document Storage Repositories. Updated: daily required for monthly update.

Business Payment Support Service Dataset (BPSS)

Tax reference level information about Time To Pay requests from taxpayers to HMRC and the Debt Management & Banking (DMB) Directorate. Updated: weekly.

Ratio of median house price to median earnings by district, from 1997

This dataset contains the ratio of median house price to median earnings by district from 1997 to 2012. This data set uses the median house price data from Land Registry on residential house price...

House Price Index

The House Price Index (HPI) is a monthly output based on mortgage completions data from the Regulated Mortgage Survey (RMS). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official...

Legislation API

API for - launched by The National Archives on 29/07/2010 - giving access to the statute book at various levels, for various times, as reusable html fragments, xml and rdf....

Special consideration in GCSE and GCE

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total...

Statistical Press Release

This statistical press release provides statistics for writs and originating summonses issued, cases disposed and orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern...

Review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander announced in January 2012 that the Government would hold a review into the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The results of this Review,...

Aggregate Agricultural Accounts for the United Kingdom

This release presents a sequence of inter-related accounts for the United Kingdom, which provide a base for economic analysis of the agricultural industry, and Total Income from Farming, a key...

Statistical Press Release

This statistical press release provides statistics for writs and originating summonses issued, cases disposed and orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern...

Special consideration in GCSE and A level

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Awarding organisations are required to have procedures...

HMRC Tax Transparency Sector Board

The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board is to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs...

OS NGD API - Features

OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

Housing summary measures

An overview of the affordability and availability of home ownership and social renting at the local authority level in England and Wales, as well as the affordability of private rented housing....