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Regional Climate Anomalies

Monthly data is compared to 30 year averages (1961- 1990, 1971 - 2000, 1981-2010) for mean temperature, rainfall and sunshine hours.Anomalies are available from January 2001 to date. Data...

Regional Extremes Observations

Extremes of temperature, rainfall and sunshine are provided for a chosen region along with the location at which the extreme occurred. Based on observation sites split across: Eight...

GB Regions of Provenance

Regions of Provenance Great Britain is divided into four Regions of Provenance. These are defined areas within which similar ecological and climatic...

Regional Based Analysis

These are podcasts from the Office for National Statistics - short presentations animated as Youtube videos. The first podcast explores the differences between rural and urban England. It is a...

Changing Regional Economies

These reports have been produced for each English region to coincide with the official launch of the new ONS Regional Statisticians teams, established in each English Government Office Region in...

BDB: Regional Presence

Administrative information relating to business operations.

Regional Household Income

Annual regional household income news release, article and tables from Regional Accounts for English regions, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Office for National...

Regional Economic Analysis

Examines the contributions of people and place to levels of personal well-being across an area, using regression analysis of Annual Population Survey Personal Well-being data (2012/13) Source...

Regional Economic Indicators

The Regional Economic Indicators examine regional differences within the UK economy. These are discussed via an ongoing series of articles focusing on the measurement of economic performance,...

Region and Country Profiles

Region and Country Profiles provides a source of essential statistics for the regions of England and the constituent countries of the UK (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). The tables provide a...

Scottish Parliamentary Regions

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies and Regions define the electoral areas used to return members to the Scottish Parliament. There are 73 constituencies, each electing one Member of the...

Scottish Island Regions

The Scottish Island Regions geography was first released in 2023 and is used for grouping Scotland’s islands into nine different island regions. The geography is based on the Scottish Island...

Regional Resilience Partnerships

Regional and Local Resilience Partnerships (RRPs/LRPs) are the principal mechanisms for multi-agency co-ordination under The Civil Contingencies Act (2004). They promote co-operation between...

Kenya regional geochemistry

The Samburu - Marsabit Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration Project was a joint Kenyan and British technical co-operation project, carried out by staff of the Mines and Geological Department,...

International Regional Geochemistry

A collection of regional geochemical data, mainly from stream sediment surveys, gathered from many BGS overseas projects since 1960s. Some areas are well covered and well documented with data...

Sumatra Regional Geochemistry

Regional Geochemical data from drainage basin reconnaissance survey carried out as part of a bilateral aid project between the UK Department for International development (DFID) (formerly ODA) and...

Grow With Wyre Woodland Improvement Grant Project Area

The dataset boundary allowed targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) within the scheme area in the West Midlands Region as part of the 2008 - 2011 EWGS...

Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority

Table shows numbers and index change since 2005/06 of apprenticeship starts and completions. Apprenticeships are paid jobs that incorporate on- and off-the-job training leading to nationally...

Public Health England Regions (July 2015)

Data identifying the location of Public Health England Regions. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal website. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and...

All Confirmed Orders Vale Royal regions

Parking restrictions, bays and car parks