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195 results found

Habitat point records from 1979-82 NCC/RSM Jura and Islay littoral survey

Jura and Islay are the most southerly and two of the largest islands of the Inner Hebrides. Their ecology and demography is sharply controlled by geology, and the marine enviroment is also affected...

Habitat point records from 1974 ITE Shetland sublittoral survey

Sublittoral Biota - Part 6.4: Part 6 is a descriptive report of the work undertaken using diving transects at OS grid intercepts of the coast. The work is more clearly described in Earll, 1982....

Environment and Countryside Management: Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover which environmental activities are being carried out and the reasons for doing so. They also cover the area of various habitats found on farms. Source agency: Environment,...

Activity and length of stay data for the proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London

-Data that has been used by Commissioning Support for London (CSL) for the preparation of a proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London. The workbook contains information...

1993 - 2013 North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Cumbrian Coast Shore Survey

The original aim of the survey was to give an overview of the shore life and physical features of the coastline within the former Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee (CSFC) district. The 11 sites...

1993 - 2013 North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Cumbrian Coast Shore Survey

The original aim of the survey was to give an overview of the shore life and physical features of the coastline within the former Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee (CSFC) district. The 11 sites...

Species point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Habitat point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala and Eskdalemuir geomagnetic observatories (synthesized using geomagnetic observatory data from INTERMAGNET) (NERC Grant NE/P016782/1)

Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala (UPS), Sweden and Eskdalemuir (ESK), Scotland geomagnetic observatories synthesized from geomagnetic...

MarQUEST (Marine Biogeochemistry and Initiative in QUEST): Ocean optical and plankton model measurements

MarQUEST was led by Prof Andrew Watson (UEA), with 15 co-investigators at UEA/BAS, the Universities of Southampton, Essex, and Reading, and from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and Proudman...

MarQUEST (Marine Biogeochemistry and Initiative in QUEST): Ocean optical and plankton model measurements

MarQUEST was led by Prof Andrew Watson (UEA), with 15 co-investigators at UEA/BAS, the Universities of Southampton, Essex, and Reading, and from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and Proudman...

Photosynthetic-CO2 response curves at different leaf temperatures in tropical montane rainforest tree species from Colombian Andes, 2022

This dataset contains information about temperature response curves of ACi (i.e., CO2 response curves of net photosynthesis) that were collected on Colombian Andean forests tree species that were...

Hydro-epidemiological data for Leptospirosis for areas in Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines, Argentina, China and Sri Lanka, 1978-2020

This dataset contains Leptospirosis case numbers for a number of place studies in Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines, Argentina, China and Sri Lanka. Leptospirosis case numbers are provided as weekly or...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Conservation sites (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report identifies...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Lamlash Bay monitoring survey

Following proposals made by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), a no take zone (NTZ) of 268 ha was established in the northern part of Lamlash Bay in 2008 under the Inshore Fishing...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Lamlash Bay monitoring survey

Following proposals made by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), a no take zone (NTZ) of 268 ha was established in the northern part of Lamlash Bay in 2008 under the Inshore Fishing...

Species point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

FGS SMF Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS)

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Tree Preservation Orders (Polygons)

When the modern planning system was established under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 local planning authorities retained their powers to protect trees and woodlands in the interests of...