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Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 other streams data run by Buildings Research Establishment

The LCBP-1 Communities database holds all data for Communities streams applications, grant offers and claims. The LCBP-1 Stream 2A database holds all data for Stream 2A applications, grant offers...

Pre-Build Address

The Pre-Build Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that will be able to receive mail, deliveries or services, where the property is either yet to be built but has been granted...

Input indicator: local authority funding from government grant

This indicator is the reported local authority income from central government grants as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure, using the relevant lines from Revenue Summary returns. #### How the...

Neighbourhood Planning Implementation grant agreements up to March 2013

Data relating to the grant agreements with four bodies to administer support to neighbourhood planning areas

Immigration Statistics: entry clearance visas granted outside the UK

This release replaces volumes 2, 3 and 4 of Immigration Statistics: Before entry. Volume 1 of this section is now titled Immigration Statistics: Sponsorship data. The statistics in this topic...

Oak chloroplast DNA haplotypes in the UK

The main objective was to provide geneticists, ecologists and foresters with an integrated description of oak genetic resources in the form of synthetic maps based on CpDNA polymorphism and...

Non grant expenditure and exchequer grant expenditure over £25000 from April 2010 to February 2012

Non Grant Expenditure and Exchequer Grant Expenditure over £25000 from April 2010 to February 2012.

Felling Licence Applications England

Felling Licence Application (FLA) areas approved by Forestry Commission England. Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by the...

Campaign for Youth Social Action

Hard Launch of decade now called -- data consists of a list of organisation grant recipients announced with grant values.

Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Grants – South West

Paper files - relate to Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grants which have been awarded. Contain all the information relating to the business/ farmers who hold the projects, also...

Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Grants – East Midlands

Paper files - relate to Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grants which have been awarded. Contain all the information relating to the business/ farmers who hold the projects, also...

File of sequence data generated from sitka spruce for use in microsatellite discovery

This data set represents the sequence data generated during the development of microsatellite markers for Sitka spruce. See also A'Hara, Stuart W. & Cottrell, Joan Elizabeth (2009)....

File of sequence data generated from Pine Tree Lappet moth for use in microsatellite discovery

This is the sequence data generated during the development of microsatellite markers for the pine-tree lappet moth. For more information, see: S A'Hara & J Cottrell 2013. Development and...

Drug intervention programme: Grants to drug action teams 2007/08 onwards

These files show the main grants for the drug action teams from 2007-08 onwards. Grants are jointly funded (in England) by the Home Office and Department of Health.

Grants for the Arts Awards - Arts Council England

Hard commitments awarded to successful grant applicants. Dataset includes unique reference number, name of recipient, project name, amount awarded, date of award, region, local authority,...

England Higher Education Institution Recurrent Grants

This dataset provides final recurrent higher education teaching and research grant allocations to each Higher Education institution and Further Education college in England.

Contaminated Land Grants issued to Local Authorities

List of contaminated land capital grants issued to Local Authorities in England up to 31st March 2017. These grants were issued by the Environment Agency on behalf of the Secretary of State under...

File of sequence data generated from Cowslip (Primula veris) for use in microsatellite discovery

This is the sequence data generated during the development of microsatellite markers for Cowslip. Additional resource: Charlotte Bickler, Stuart A’Hara, Joan Cottrell, Lucy Rogers & Jon Bridle...

List of UK black poplar clones and their DNA fingerprint (2007-2015)

Native black poplar in the UK is a rare and endangered tree species that has been heavily reproduced vegetatively, leading to issues of widespread clonal replication. This data presents the DNA...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2013/2014

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...