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5,221 results found

Properties in Care

The Properties in Care dataset comprises information on properties in the care of Historic Environment Scotland on behalf of Scottish Ministers and others. The properties in care estate is a...

Filings dataset

Aggregate information about filings and generic location is published as part of our Facts and Figures booklet which is available on the IPO website.

TfGM Land and Property Assets

Data contains details of TfGM’s land and property assets, as required for publication to satisfy TfGM’s voluntary compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. (TfGM is not captured...

Land and Property Assets and Interests

Land and Property owned and leased by Wyre Forest District Council

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

Norfolk County Council Property

The property interests of Norfolk County Council are represented as polygons, points and lines. Each site has an identifier (UPRN) which provides a unique link to further detail of NCC property...

Thermal Harrow Properties 2014

LiDAR derived polgons illustrating propeties within the Borough of Harrow with underlying thermal values and postcode data attached. Available in two file formats; primarily available as a...

Local Land and Property Gazetteer

Barrow Council's Local Land and Property Gazetteer is a database containing addresses of property and Land within the Borough. This local database is combined at a national level to form a national...

NHDC Land & Property Assets

North Hertfordshire District Council Open Data web pages

Property Classifications Northumberland by Parish

Total number of property types broken down by Parish within the Northumberland area.

Property Classifications Northumberland by ward

Total number of property types broken down by ward within the Northumberland area.

Postcode Property Count Northumberland

Postcodes within Northumberland with respective totals for both Residential and Commercial Properties.

Empty Residential Properties Northumberland

Empty Residential Properties within Northumberland by Electoral Division. The dataset includes length of time empty, Council Tax Band, Percentage of empty against total residential properties.

Empty Commercial Properties Northumberland

Empty Commercial Properties within Northumberland by Electoral Division. The dataset includes length of time empty, Rateable Value, Exemption Type, Percentage of empty against total commercial...

Council properties under-occupation

Dataset showing those properties which are deemed to be under occupation. These have all had a reduction in their housing benefit. In some cases the reduction has been paid for by a Discretionary...

Business Properties - Complete List

All business rateable properties including: Property Reference; Property Address; Property Postcode; Property Description; Liable Party Name; Rateable Value; Liability Start Date; Relief Indicator;...

Peterborough Land and Property Assets

Dataset detailing the land and assets owned by Peterborough City Council

Peterborough Land and Property Assets

Dataset detailing the land and assets owned by Peterborough City Council