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227 results found

QICS Paper: Review and implications of relative permeability of CO2/brine systems and residual trapping of CO2

The adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a method of mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions will depend on the ability of initial geological storage projects to demonstrate secure...

Selectivity of hake gill nets in the Southwest fishery 2005/06 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To examine the catch composition and selectivity of a range of static gears for hake in the southwest fisheries. FSP Programme 8 demonstrated the selectivity characteristics of 120mm mesh gill...

Selectivity of hake gill nets in the Southwest fishery 2005/06 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To examine the catch composition and selectivity of a range of static gears for hake in the southwest fisheries. FSP Programme 8 demonstrated the selectivity characteristics of 120mm mesh gill...

High-resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS Pb isotope data (65.5 - 63 Ma) for Tropic Seamount, north-east Atlantic, and Matlab and R processing scripts for cyclostratigraphic analysis (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

The excel table presents the high-resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS Pb isotope data (± 2S%) produced for the Paleocene interval of Fe-Mn crust core sample 085_004 recovered in 2016 during the JC142...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

National Lung Cancer Audit 2019

The National Lung Cancer Audit 2019 report demonstrates the key findings from the 15th annual audit for lung cancer patients diagnosed in 2018 in England, Wales and Guernsey. The purpose of the...

Method validation of IC-ICPMS with chlorine removal for phosphite analysis (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Method development for trace-level analyses of phosphite in chloride-rich matrices. Dataset includes linearity data from the ion chromatograph (IC) in stand-alone mode and coupled to the...

DECC: Reports from Longannet ScottishPower UK Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Project

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what exactly would be required from an...

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 10: CCS Project Costs Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

Cambridge local services

A mini directory of local services (68 in total in and around Cambridge) to be used to develop our geo-location project. This project was replaced in Autumn 2019 by the purchase of a new website...

Zaonega Formation, core 12AB, organic carbon, nitrogen and metal geochemistry (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Demonstration of hydrothermal ammonium mobilization in the Paleoproterozoic with possible implications for biological productivity. The data include organic carbon and nitrogen abundances and...

Early Miocene ASEM element maps from IODP Site U1480 (NERC grant NE/P021182/1)

Element maps from 5x 10 cm sections generated using the Zeiss Sigma HD Field Emission Gun Analytical SEM at Cardiff University. Maps come from sections within the early Miocene pelagic interval...

EngagedX SIRC Dataset1 - Performance data of social investment released for first time

5 June 2015 - New data published today reveals the financial performance of more than 400 closed investment deals in the UK social investment market. The dataset represents the largest...

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 08: Consents and Permitting Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

QICS Paper: Passive acoustic quantification of gas fluxes during controlled gas release experiments

The detection and quantification of an underwater gas release are becoming increasingly important for oceanographic and industrial applications. Whilst the detection of each individual bubble...

Inequalities and Environmental Action

This report and dataset were commissioned by the Greater London Authority, and produced by Centric Lab to uncover the work of community groups that connect with environmental issues in Hackney,...

Survival of discarded sole in inshore trawl fishery 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The objective of this project was to assess and estimate the survivability of sole caught in the Solent (ICES Subarea VIId) inshore otter trawl fishery. This project follows a previous study of...

EU Project Report: CO2REMOVE - Quantitative analysis of time-lapse seismic monitoring at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation

The CO2 storage operation at Sleipner in the Norwegian North Sea provides an excellent demonstration of the application of time-lapse surface seismic methods to CO2 plume monitoring under favorable...

APHA Staff Publications List 2014

This dataset collates details of publications produced by APHA staff during 2014. This is not a fully comprehensive list, but comprises the complete record of publications as held by APHA's...