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191 results found

Water quality data from the Ribble and Wyre catchments 2008-2010

Water quality data from 26 Ribble and Wyre river basin sites in north west England. Samples were analysed for major solutes, pH, Gran alkalinity, trace metals, mercury and chlorophyll. Full details...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

BGS seismic phase data

Scanned images of seismic phase data sheets containing phase readings, phase arrival times, amplitude data, magnitude data and derived source information like hypocentres (locations), fault plane...

GPS Time Series For Corbetti and Aluto Volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

This data set contains daily position solutions for GPS stations deployed on Corbetti and Aluto volcano, Ethiopia. The results for Aluto were originally published in "Seasonal patterns of...

Mesoproterozoic Burzyan and Yurmatau groups, Russia, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and Pb-U data (NERC grant NE/V010824/1)

Organic carbon and total nitrogen isotope data for black shales and U-Pb data for apatite solutes from the Burzyan and Yurmatau groups in the Urals, Russia. For detailed discussion see Stüeken,...

Species point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Dynamic imaging of tracer transport in beadpacks and Ketton Limestone by Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

The data contains three-dimensional maps of the temporal and spatial distribution of tracer concentration during miscible displacements with aqueous solutions in two cylindrical porous samples,...

Daisy Wisdom

Electronic Records Management application - Service wide RM storage solution, covering ISCIS & CHAMP Electronic Case Files, Electronic Staff Files, Corporate, Financial Management &...

Blue Badge Access Consultation - Phase 1

The first phase of consultation focussed on the 5 principles that, if approved, will help shape an Executive report in October 2023. 1. Return to previous access - to revert to the Blue...

DIO Operations Accommodation Customer Satisfaction Key Performance Indicators

These Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were developed after consultation with UK Service Family Accommodation key stakeholders, including representatives of Service families. The KPIs provide...

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record

Maritime Archaeology Ltd (MA Ltd) have been commissioned by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) to undertake a project entitled Our Marine Historic Environment:...

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record

Maritime Archaeology Ltd (MA Ltd) have been commissioned by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) to undertake a project entitled Our Marine Historic Environment:...

Highways Capital Programme

Bolton Council is responsible for a number of transport improvement schemes across the Borough. The highway capital programme includes roads, footways and bridges maintenance schemes and transport...

Transport Statistics Bolton

This report is designed to complement TfGM Data Solutions Department Reports ‘Transport Statistics Greater Manchester’ and ‘Road Casualty Statistics Greater Manchester’. It focuses on the...

Phosphite and phosphate adsorption fractions on experimental iron oxides in natural banded iron formations

The data include measurements of adsorption experiments, where the adsorption fraction of phosphite and phosphate on experimentally-prepared ferric iron oxides were measured. The amounts of...

OGTC Missed Pay Project Energective Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

OGTC Missed Pay Project Sword IT Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

Density Functional Theory Calculations of Rare Earth Systems (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This data set contains example input and output files from density functional theory calculations of rare earth systems, using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP), The data set it split...