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510 results found

Labour Market Statistics

Employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, claimant count, average earnings, vacancies and labour disputes statistics. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

GDP and the Labour Market

Comparison of developments in GDP and the labour market in the latest quarter. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative...

Labour Market Statistics

Contains the latest data for employment, economic activity, economic inactivity, unemployment, claimant count, average earnings, productivity, unit wage costs, vacancies and labour...

Reason for migration and labour market characteristics of UK residents born abroad

Analyses the labour market position of foreign born UK residents by their original purpose for migrating.

Mortgage and Landlord Possession Statistics

Case management systems for county court cases

Company insolvency and bankruptcy petition statistics

Case management systems for county court cases

Lodge Court Car parking zone

Lodge Court Car parking zone

Mini-Jobs in the London Labour Market

The report uses Annual Population Survey Data to examine mini-jobs in London and profile the key characteristics of those who work in such jobs. The report is available to download by clicking on...

GLA Economics Labour Market Analysis

**Analysis of the labour market covering the latest developments.** _When using outputs from this analysis you should be aware of the following caveats:_ •_The analysis is not intended to be...

Crown Court Defendants Dealt With

Crown Court Defendants Dealt with including a breakdown by Processing Court Office, types of charges, plea and finding information.

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish Courts, motor vehicle offences, and bail orders and offences. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Judgement Debt Court Orders

Archived details of court orders made against Service personnel

People with disabilities in the labour market

A short story on disabled people across the UK, their health problems and labour market characteristics, using the latest 2011 statistics from the Labour Force Survey. Source agency: Office for...

National Labour Force Projections

Projections of the number of economically active people, household population and economic activity rates broken down by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Impact of the Recession on the Labour Market

Article on the impact of the recession on the labour market Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Labour Market and...

Hours worked in the labour market

This article will look at how weekly hours have changed in the UK since 1992 by industry sector. It will also consider how part-time employment has changed as a proportion of the total workforce....

Young people in the labour market

This analysis looks at the economic activity of young people aged 16 to 24 in the UK. Both the unemployment rate and the proportion who are unemployed in this age group are examined. In doing so,...

Local Area Labour Market

Presents a number of different indicators to give an overall picture of the labour market of local areas. Includes statistics relating to the employment, unemployment and benefit dependency of the...

Regional labour market statistics

Official statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies. Source agency: Office for National...

Labour Market Trends (discontinued)

This monthly compendium of statistics and articles on the Labour Market was been replaced by the Economic and Labour Market Review. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...