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Corporate Complaints - Corrective action at Stage 3 2014

Log detailing corrective action required for all complaints at Stage 3 of the process in 2014. Stage 3 is the final stage of escalation for complaints. All such complaints response will are...

EWCO - NfC Ammonia Emissions Capture for SSSI Protection

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional point scoring for ammonia capture. There is no Additional Contribution for ammonia capture but EWCO supports action to...

Updating Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters

The requirement to display sensitive areas relating to the life history of commercially important fish species in British waters is well recognized. Sensitive areas have previously been described...

Marine Licensing: Band 1 Sensitive Areas

NRW agreed, identified and documented which habitats and SAC features are sensitive to a range of Marine Licencing Band 1 activities. The dataset consists of 2 layers detailing information about...

Species point records from 1980 NCC Isles of Scilly & south Cornwall sublittoral survey

Survey was carried out to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and species. A specific survey was made on opisthobranch molluscs. Lists of species of flora and fauna are given for the areas...

Habitat point records from 1980 NCC Isles of Scilly & south Cornwall sublittoral survey

Survey was carried out to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and species. A specific survey was made on opisthobranch molluscs. Lists of species of flora and fauna are given for the areas...

Surrey Heath Borough Council Camberley Area Action Plan

Dataset displaying the Area Action Plan boundary for Camberley town centre improvements. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Gap - Bryophytes

Understanding the status, autecology and taxonomy of UK Biodiversity Action Plan species: arable bryophytes

Product Recalls and Withdrawals

If there is a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold, then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the product). The...

Wind Farm - Zones of Natural Heritage Sensitivity - Current

This dataset provides an overview of the natural heritage sensitivity to wind farms. It identifies land with the greatest opportunity for wind farm development in natural heritage terms, and areas...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...

Predictions of river temperature and sensitivity to climate change in Scotland

These layers are the outputs of research which developed a national river temperature model for Scotland capable of predicting both daily maximum river temperature and sensitivity to climate...

Urban Waste Water Sensitive Areas 2nd Cycle

This is an amalgamated copy of the sensitive areas and catchment sensitve areas reported as the spatial data requirements under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Article15 and also links to the...