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304 results found

Traffic Restrictions

Traffic restriction data including, speed restrictions and height and weight restrictions

Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Benefit (CTB) quarterly performance statistics

Performance statistics monitor how well or how badly their council is doing at administering housing and council tax benefit. Measures of performance include Average time for processing new claims,...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a commercial short rotation coppice willow plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2009 to 2013

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

EPSRC project presentation: Process Intensification for Post-combustion Carbon Capture using Rotating Packed Bed through Systems Engineering, Cranfield Biannual, 21 Apr 2015

This presentation on the EPSRC project, Process Intensification for Post-combustion Carbon Capture using Rotating Packed Bed through Systems Engineering Techniques, was presented at the Cranfield...

Vessel Density Grid 2015

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km grid resolution. For 2015, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of each month, commencing...

Govt construction strategy performance data

The government has been publishing cost data since 2012 in order to understand the cost of government construction, to drive down costs and to deliver 15 to 20% savings by the end of this...

Traffic Survey - Butcher Terrace

In order to monitor the traffic levels and vehicle speeds on Butcher Terrace to assess the impact of the changes made in the area to accommodate the flood defence works undertaken by the...

Rheometry data on ash from Mount Meager, British Columbia, Canada (NERC Grant NE/W003767/1)

Rheometry data on ash from Mt Meager, British Columbia, Canada. All measurements that generated these data were performed using an Anton Paar MCR302 rotational rheometer with an Anton Paar powder...

Data from the experimental management of arable field options for rare plants

This dataset consists of vegetation abundance data from four experiments investigating the management of arable field options for rare plants. These experiments consisted of a margin management...

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Transport and its arms-length bodies

The Department for Transport (DFT) has published monthly consolidated files of invoice payments; grant payments, and other payment transactions in accordance with the Prime Minister’s requirements...

Somerset Council Brownfield Register (East)

The Brownfield Register aims to help housebuilders identify suitable sites quickly, speeding up new homes being built and maximising the number of new homes on land previously developed.

Broadband/Full Fibre Availability

Percentage of premises with Full Fibre Broadband coverage.Percentage of premises with broadband speed under 30Mbit/s.Number of all premises.Number of residential premises.

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km² grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km² grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

Superconnected cities broadband

Leeds City Council and City of Bradford MDC are working together on a variety of digital projects under the ‘Superconnected Cities’ banner. One such project is to work with Small and Medium-sized...

Vessel Density Grid 2014

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km grid resolution. For 2014, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of each month, commencing...