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244 results found

WFD Cycle 2 River ANC Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product. It contains summary data for the element acid neutralising capacity (ANC) for river water bodies, as used in the...

RONOCO (ROle of Nighttime chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity of the AtmOsphere): In-situ airborne atmospheric chemistry and air quality unified model runs output

Atmospheric chemistry measurements were made during a series of campaign flights by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements' (FAAM) BAE-146 research aircraft as part of the NERC funded...

RONOCO (ROle of Nighttime chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity of the AtmOsphere): In-situ airborne atmospheric chemistry and air quality unified model runs output

Atmospheric chemistry measurements were made during a series of campaign flights by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements' (FAAM) BAE-146 research aircraft as part of the NERC funded...

National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)

Natural England has developed a GIS model that provides an assessment of the vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change based on principles of adaptation for biodiversity. It identifies...

Sports Classes and Participation

Sports classes in Council Sports Centres including, class, capacity and attendance. For more details on sports classes visit [Calderdale Sports and...

Implementing the Government ICT Strategy - ICT Metrics

In March 2011, the Coalition Government set out a vision for Government ICT at the heart of delivery of efficient, cost-effective public services which are responsive to the needs of citizens and...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B2, Sustainable fisheries

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B2, Sustainable fisheries. Fish are an integral component of marine biodiversity. They are an important element of the food...

Prison population monthly bulletin

Prison population in, and capacity of, each prison establishment.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Capacity, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Capacity was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-14....

Housing Land Audit 2022 - Moray

Housing Land Audit 2022 sites for housing with a capacity for 4 or more homes.

Housing Land Audit 2024 - Moray

Housing Land Audit 2024 sites for housing with a capacity for 4 or more homes.

Housing Land Audit 2023 - Moray

Housing Land Audit 2023 sites for housing with a capacity for 4 or more homes.

Data accompanying ‘Microstructural controls on thermal crack damage and the presence of a temperature-memory effect during cyclic thermal stressing of rocks’ submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters (NERC Grant NE/N002938/1)

Acoustic emissions (AE) and ultrasonic wave velocity data recorded during a series of high temperature thermal cracking experiments by Daoud et al., in the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of the...

2015 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary- Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections. This report highlights the 2015 current capacity and pressures within the borough, projected future demand and any likely...

Housing land supply in Leeds

This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with...

Cambridgeshire Renewable Energy Completions and Commitments 2017

Number of installed capacity of renewable energy (Megawatts) in each financial year from 1999/00 to 2016/17. Worksheet includes data by district and type of renewable energy. This data supercedes...

Social Integration Measurement Toolkit

At the end of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned [PRD]( to develop a standardised social integration measurement toolkit, for use by the GLA and other...

International (ICES) and national (UK) fish stock and shellfish stock data from 2020 assessment year

The dataset collected includes assessment output relating to the years from 1905 to 2020 inclusive for the following variables for each stock: the annual recruitment estimate, the stock size...

International (ICES) and national (UK) fish stock and shellfish stock data from 2020 assessment year

The dataset collected includes assessment output relating to the years from 1905 to 2020 inclusive for the following variables for each stock: the annual recruitment estimate, the stock size...

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir in the Southern North Sea - Conference paper presented at 12th 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Fault seal controls on storage capacity, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-14.