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719 results found

Green Belt (2006)

Green Belt, as defined in the Blackpool Local Plan 2001/2016 (adopted June 2006)

Town or Village Greens

Location of all Town or Village Greens within Sunderland. Data also contains information on date registered and also the Town/Village Green number

Town and Village Greens

Data set of Town & Village Greens and Registered Common Land

Town and Village Greens

Location of town and village greens in Northampton.

Rochford Bowling Greens

This dataset shows the location of Bowling Greens within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence...

Registered Village Greens

Map of the Register of Town or Village Greens. As a Commons Registration Authority, Southampton City Council is responsible for maintaining the Registers of Common Land and Village Greens. This...

Open/Green Spaces

Greenspace Audit and Report

Metropolitan Green Belt

Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB) as designated in the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

Kirklees Village Greens

Approved Village Greens in Kirklees

Green Belt v1

Green Belt within Wychavon District Council

Commons and Village Greens

Location of commons and village greens in Milton Keynes

Open Green Spaces

881 records consisting of green spaces by type, site name, council owned or private or other

Open Green Space

Greenfield land protected but not in the green belt.

Public Green Space

Green space is undeveloped land, not necessarily provided for formal recreation or public amenity, which makes a positive visual and environmental contribution to the town. Green space in the...

Urban Green Space

Urban Greenspace has amenity value and may have either limited public access (such as private sports grounds), or no public access, (such as areas of farmland or public utility land). It performs...

Sunderland Green Belt

This is the greenbelt area in the City of Sunderland (policy CN3)


OPEN SPACE, PARK, RECREATION GROUND, CEMETERY, PLAY PARK, PLAYGROUND, PUBLIC OPEN SPACE, PROMENARD GARDENS Sites are freehold owned by Rother District Council and are made up of formal parks and...

Sunderland Green Belt

Areas of greenland across the City.

Sunderland Village Greens

List of Village Greens within the City of Sunderland. This data also includes the date it was registered as a Village Green.

Village Green Register

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within West Berkshire Council. Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership...