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8,177 results found

Financial information

Accounting, procurement and planning information including payroll


Financial data system to process MCA invoices

Atlas Financials


Financial Statistics

M4 private sector holdings of public sector debt Sterling Treasury bills and British government securities and Tax Instruments Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

FCA: Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey

The FCA presents the findings from a survey undertaken in January 2024 to understand the financial impact of the increased cost of living on adults across the UK. ##Key findings include:...

Water Vole Risk Zones - East Anglia

This dataset identifies areas where the predicted distribution of water voles and has been categorised into zones relating to water vole occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Cheshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into district zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Derbyshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Kent)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Hertfordshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Somerset)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Essex)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into district zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Dorset)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Cumbria)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Lancashire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Cambridgeshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Suitability

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer giving an indication of the scale it is appropriate to use the RoFMS, grouped into 5 bands. Our...

Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Suitability

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer giving a suitability rating which represents the scale at which it is generally appropriate to use...

WFD RBMP2 Risk Assessments - Protected Areas

This dataset contains risk assessment data produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains protected areas (Shellfish Waters and Bathing Waters) that are assessed to be at...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Telford)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...