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210 results found

Sediment records of the 2016-2017 flood from Notwane dam, Upper Limpopo basin, Botswana

The data set contains grain size distributions, organic matter (OM) contents and trace metals distribution metal distribution (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb) of seven (7) shallow cores of sediments from...

Aberdeen Grit Bins/Boxes

Location of adopted grit boxes throughout the city, along with their type – either glass-fibre or plastic. Note, ACC does not adopt grit boxes that a factor, developer or any other party has put in...

Greenhouse gas, carbon isotopes, water physio-chemical properties and metal concentrations from mine water outflows in the Midland Valley, Scotland, 2022

Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, physio-chemical water properties, metal concentrations and carbon radiogenic and stable isotope data of the GHG were measured to investigate the properties of...

Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

Experimental work on Ivrea ultramafic pipe material (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Results of piston cylinder experiments on lower-crustal material from the Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps. Natural sulfides and sulfide-silicate mixes from lower crustal cumulates were heated and...

Local authority pollution prevention control

This dataset shows permits issued under the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2016. Local Authorities are required to regulate certain types of industrial processes to help...

Trace metal concentrations and lipid biomarkers used in the interpretation of a sediment record (IODP U1419) from the Gulf of Alaska (NERC Grant NE/N011112/1)

"Three spreadsheet tables of biomarker data, element ratios, and accumulation rates. Sediment samples from IODP Expedition 341, Site U1419 in the Gulf of Alaska. Site U1419 is located in 721 m...

UK Shellfish Project

Monitor the shellfish in the UK for chemical contaminants. The following analytes will be analysed on the shellfish: Dioxins, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme Detailed Data

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. The Harmonised Monitoring Scheme (HMS) was decommissioned in 2013, this is the final year that the dataset was produced. Water quality measurements...

Bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, RussiaTolbachik geochemistry (NERC Grant NE/M000303/1)

This dataset contains bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, Russia, together with supporting...

Mush eruptibility and resorption data for Mount St Helens

Mush eruptibility and resorption data for Mount St Helens including; - Textural data for plagioclase in crystallisation-resorption experiments - Major element geochemical data for plagioclase and...

December Survey of Agriculture, UK

The December survey of Agriculture provides information and evidence on the condition of the agricultural industry in the UK. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

2001 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2 Environmental Sampling Survey, North Sea, May 2001 Data Report ERTSL 637 - Sediment hydrocarbons and metals analyses

Sediment samples were collected from selected areas of the southern North Sea as part of the ongoing Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic...

December Survey of Agriculture, England

The December survey of Agriculture provides information and evidence on the condition of the agricultural industry in England. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

Wood Pasture and Parkland (England)

Data subject: Provisional wood-pasture and parkland inventory created during the Natural England Wood-pasture and Parkland Inventory update. Methods of Data Capture: Collation of data from existing...

2000 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 Charles Darwin cruise 119 (1999) - Environmental sampling programme, final data report. ERT Report ERTSL 00/215R00/215 (Faroe Shetland Channel)

This data report contains the results of the analysis of sediment samples collected by Geotek on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) as part...

Skouries Cu (copper)-Au (gold) deposit data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1 and NE/M011615/1)

Mineralogical and geochemical data from sulphides and other ore minerals from the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Greece. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Skouries mine, courtesy...

Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme Summary Data

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA178.The Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme (HMS) data contains statistics for a series of water quality sampling sites...

Impacts of the Calbuco eruption, Chile (NERC grant NE/N007271/1)

Volcanic ash samples were collected and analysed following the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile. Datasets uploaded are: Calbuco2015 Probe Data - excel Calbuco2015 Locations and Grain Size –...

Global gridded monthly mean Leaf Area Index (LAI) for five Plant Functional Types (PFTs) derived from the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products for the period 2000-2014

A new monthly long term average (climatology) of Leaf Area Index (LAI) has been developed for use as ancillary data with the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) Land Surface Model and the...