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1,205 results found

Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme

Details held by scheme administrators (PSC) under agreement to the Cabinet Office for 400k active, deferred and pensioner members of the RMSPS. Information held on Internal disputes and...

Nature Conservation Committee Pension scheme

governance, financial and personal data relating to the operation and membership of the NCC Pension Scheme.

Areas to Benefit - Recondition Schemes

HISTORIC DATASET. DO NOT USE FOR CURRENT ANALYSIS. This is a spatial, polygon, displaying areas that would benefit from the presence of a new, or improvement of a current flood defence scheme as...

Authority Pension Scheme Records

Records related to the operation of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes.

Scheme registration data (SCORE)

Scheme Registration database. Some personal data: role level / small schemes. Registerable under S.59 of the Act

Compliance Classification Scheme Statistics

The datasets available for download are 2014 and 2015 permit breach statistics. These are open data. This record is for Approval for Access AfA406. Condition breaches on Regulated sites under...

Energy Crops Scheme Agreements

Energy Crops Scheme Agreements tranche 1 and 2 - based on Probis extract. The Energy Crops Scheme provides establishment grants for approved energy crops. Approved crops are Short Rotation Coppice...

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) applies to large undertakings operating in the UK. The rules relating to the scheme are set out in the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Regulations...

Packaging Regulations Approved Schemes

Contact details of approximately 24 Packaging schemes who have registered with the Environment Agency under the Producer Responsibility Regulations for Packaging. Attribution statement: ©...

Number of children in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)

Number of children in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)

NI 149 Adults receiving secondary mental health services in settled accommodation

Mentally ill adults: Adults aged 18+ in contact with secondary mental health services (SMHS) who are on the Care Programme Approach (CPA) helped into settled accommodation Source: Cabinet Office...

NI 149 - Adults receiving secondary mental health services in settled accommodation

Mentally ill adults: Adults aged 18+ in contact with secondary mental health services (SMHS) who are on the Care Programme Approach (CPA) helped into settled accommodation

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by district.

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level. The figures cover the launch of the scheme on 1 April 2013 until 31 October 2014. Information on the...

Local Government Pension Scheme Funds Wales

Data for the 8 administering pension authorities in Wales. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Local Government Pension Scheme Funds, England

Local Government pension scheme fund data. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Civil Service Pension Scheme membership data

Details held by scheme administrators under contract to the Cabinet Office of 1.5 million active, deferred and pensioner members of the Civil Service pension arrangements. Also details of the 250...

Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme (LATS) Database

Maintained by IBM and administered by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) staff. Keeps details of financial trading between local authorities, and holds contact details for...

Performance Dashboard Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)

This dashboard shows information about how the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total cost...

Highway Schemes

Highway Schemes in Stockport

Transport Scheme

Wolverhampton Road Improvements