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874 results found

Bursaries programme [Planning]

Data submitted in application for the bursaries programme, which has now ended

NI 182 - Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and licensing:

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Public corporations

PESA 2009 chapter 8 sets out central government support for public corporations and shows public corporation expenditure against functional and economic frameworks.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Digital, Data and Technology Services - staff numbers

Numbers of staff in Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Digital, Data and Technology Services - on 1 May 2016. The numbers are broken down by functional areas.

Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) Leg

HR legacy data system. Stores Department for Transport central legacy data prior to the transfer of HR function to the DVLA Shared Services Centre Swansea in April 2008

Higher Qualifications

This bulletin covers qualifications of all types at Level 4 and above (equivalent to post-A level), excluding university degrees, which are regulated by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) rather...

BRNC - College Database

Britannia Royal Naval College - The college database provides functions to manage the training throughput of New Entry officers from initial take-on through to completion of Common Fleet Training.

Planning portal

Website and transaction service for submitting planning applications; portal to a planning database. The system is supplied by commercial suppliers IBM

Information Request Tracking System

Tracks Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests submitted to Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Public Expenditure Outturns

Presents UK public spending outturns against the budgetary framework as well as analysis by function. Source agency: HM Treasury Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Local government financing and expenditure

PESA 2009 chapter 7 explains how local government is financed and presents local government spending against functional (health, education etc) and economic (pay, procurement etc) frameworks.

External Publications

The external publications contain DfT(C) Staff organisation information on senior staff only. The data includes: - name, payband, unit, contact details (phone, fax, email), job function

Civil Parish Council Tax Level Data

This dataset provides information on local precepting authorities (parishes, charter trustees and Temples) and the amount of council tax collected on their behalf by their billing authorities in...

The single data list for central government departments

The Single Data List catalogues all the data that local authorities are required to submit to central government departments in a given year.

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Trends in public sector expenditure

PESA 2009 chapter 4 shows trends in public sector spending over a longer time period than otherwise shown in PESA 2009. This includes functional series back to 1987-88.

Criminal Justice Statistics

The reports presents the main trends on the latest 12 months of activity in the criminal justice system (CJS) for England and Wales. For each process a brief description of the function is included...

Central Government EU statistical procurement return to the European Commission

A list of all the above OJEU procurements that have been carried out by public sector organisations that are submitted to the European Commission on an annual basis

Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 - Central and Education (Maintained School) Functions

Set out below is the information the council is required to publish under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 for its central and education (maintained...

Country and Regional Analysis

The Country and Regional Analysis presents analysis of public spending by country, region, and function and is consistent with departmental outturns published in July. Source agency: HM...

Department for Transport central Staff Directory

Staff Directory includes details of name, payband, unit, building, location and contact details (phone, fax, email), job title and function. Plus additional (optional) fields to record normal...