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Travel-associated gastro infections

Database containing data from MOLIS and Cosurv on gastrointestinal infections associated with foreign travel

Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 16-18

Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 16-18

Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 19-24

Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 19-24

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of sublittoral habitats and their associated biota in the Firth of Lorn: biotopes

Methodologies for broad scale mapping of sublittoral habitats and biota based on acoustic remote sensing was developed as the Broadscale Mapping Project (BMP), a three year project funded by a...

Path Node

A point spatial object that is used to break up the path network for connectivity. The path network splits for the following circumstances: The location where an attribute changes. The intersection...

Railway Node

A point spatial object that is used to break up the Railway Network for connectivity. The Railway Network splits for the following circumstances: The location where an attribute changes The...

NI 179 - Value for money - total net value of ongoing cash-releasing value for money gains that have impacted since the start of the 2008-09 financial year

All parts of the public sector need to continue to seek and implement ways to deliver higher quality public services with the resources that are available. This means enhancing value for money and...

Pupil attainment at GCSE and associated value added measures for young people by gender in England, (referenced by location of educational institution)

GCSE and Equivalent results and associated Value Added Measures of 15 year old pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Incidence of Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) – Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (CCGOIS 5.3)

The number of MRSA bloodstream infections reported per CCG. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

Ferry Node

A Ferry Node is a point spatial object which is used to represent the connectivity where the Ferry Link features start and end. A Ferry Node feature may serve multiple Ferry Link features if more...

Hydrological Rock class by Soil Association

Dominant hydrological rock class associated with each soil association in the national map plus a break down of the proportion of the soil association within each of the classes

Outbreak database for travel-associated infections

Outbreak database for travel-associated infections

Oak-associated biodiversity in the UK (OakEcol)

This dataset contains a list of all known birds, bryophytes, fungi, invertebrates, lichens and mammals that use oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) in the UK. In total 2300 species are listed...

Oak-associated biodiversity in the UK (OakEcol)

This dataset contains a list of all known birds, bryophytes, fungi, invertebrates, lichens and mammals that use oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) in the UK. In total 2300 species are listed...

Car Parks

British Parking Association provides data on car parks that achieves its Park Mark Award. In the UK, a quarter of car parks have achieved the Park Mark Award. That's 5,000 of an estimated 17,000 -...

Oak Processionary Moth Survey GB 10K Grid 2013

Sites selected for inspection were formerly used for the Forestry Commission Forest Condition Survey. Each site contains 24 numbered trees and each of these trees is inspected for signs and...

Workforce Management Information

Management information on the number of staff working in Ofgem, including associated paybill costs.

Carbon flux Monitoring

Research Forest Carbon flux monitoring site dataset with associated meteorological measurements

Maintenance Point

A feature which has a point geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is maintained by...

Seven-day Services Indicators: Emergency Readmissions within 7 days of Discharge

Statistics about emergency readmissions by day of discharge. In July 2015 the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech ‘Making healthcare more human-centred and not...