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322 results found

KH-4B CORONA Satellite Panchromatic Image for a Partial Area Extending across the Syrian and Turkish Border in the Al-Jazīrah Region of Syria

This is a satellite image data product made available from the 1995 declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites,...

KH-4B CORONA Satellite Panchromatic Image for a Partial Area Extending across the Syrian and Turkish Border in the Al-Jazīrah Region of Syria

This is a satellite image data product made available from the 1995 declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites,...

Broadscale mapping of habitats in the Firth of Tay and Eden Estuary, Scotland

A biotope mapping survey of the intertidal and subtidal habitats within the Firth of Tay and Eden Estuary cSAC was undertaken in the summer of 2002, by a collaborative research group from the...

Coastal Topographic Surveys

Coastal Topographic Surveys are height transects that form part of the Anglian Coastal Monitoring Programme. A surveyor using a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) staff will make...

Stable isotope, sedimentological and geochemical data from Holocene lake-sediment core YC2 from Yaal Chac, Mexico (NERC Grant NE/K00610X/1)

Dataset contains an interannual to sub centennial resolution record of carbonate oxygen and carbon isotopes, bulk sediment geochemistry and sedimentology from a 2.95 metre-long core (YC2) from Yaal...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi breeding success on Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha 2016-2017

Darwin Plus Project 053 The dataset is under Embargo until data analysis has been completed and ready...

Monthly average non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter concentrations on the UK shelf waters

Spatially gridded, monthly average of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). Based on satellite derived Ifremer OC5 algorithm (Gohin et al 2011). Interpolated and merged data from SeaWiFS,...

Monthly average non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter concentrations on the UK shelf waters

Spatially gridded, monthly average of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). Based on satellite derived Ifremer OC5 algorithm (Gohin et al 2011). Interpolated and merged data from SeaWiFS,...

Sound of Harris - Biotopes

The Sound of Harris is a topographically complex marine area situated between North Uist and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Very little is known of the marine biota of the area but it is likely to...

Monthly averages and overall average (2005-2009) of the light attenuation coefficient in the water column for photosynthetically available radiation (KPAR)

GeoTiff datasets of average coefficient of light attenuation for photosynthetically active radiation (KPAR) in the Greater North Sea and Celtic Seas. The dataset kPAR2005_ 2009_250.tif contains the...

Remotely Sensed Flood Estimates

The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

Movement of songbirds between supplementary feeders in urban neighbourhoods in Southern England, UK

This dataset contains the time, date and location of when songbirds fitted with a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT tag) visited a bird feeder fitted with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)...

Space spectrum strategy

This document, published 1 Mar 2016, sets out Ofcom's proposed space spectrum strategy, which covers the use of spectrum by the satellite and space science (including earth observation) sectors....

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of sublittoral habitats and their associated biota in the Firth of Lorn: biotopes

Methodologies for broad scale mapping of sublittoral habitats and biota based on acoustic remote sensing was developed as the Broadscale Mapping Project (BMP), a three year project funded by a...

High resolution burn severity data (derived from satellite imagery) for the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA, before and after a wildfire event, 2020 and 2021

The data comprise Sentinel-2 derived burn severity rasters covering restored and unrestored reaches of the South Fork McKenzie river, Oregon USA. The data were collected in order to quantify...

Digital Great Britain coastlines (DiGBcoast v1.0): a dataset of the coastline position of Great Britain from 1984 to 2022 derived from publicly available optical satellite imagery

DiGBcoast v1.0, is a new supranational dataset documenting three decades of coastal change across Great Britain mainland (England, Scotland, and Wales) including the isle of Wight and Anglesey....

Children's Centres

Children's Centres with full contact details (including satellite centres) and managing organisation. You can find out more about Calderdale Children's centres at [Children's...


In 2021 a high resolution (minimum 10 meters) satellite-derived bathymetry survey was complete for the full extent of the Northern Ireland marine area to a maximum depth of 8-11 meters. This was...


In 2021 a high resolution (minimum 10 meters) satellite-derived bathymetry survey was complete for the full extent of the Northern Ireland marine area to a maximum depth of 8-11 meters. This was...

Impact indicator: planning applications granted

The number of planning applications granted as a percentage of all major and minor schemes #### How the figure is calculated: The number of planning applications for major or minor schemes...