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95 results found

Magnetotelluric time series for site Whiteadder (WHI) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Long period magnetotelluric (LMT) time series for site Whiteadder (WHI). Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data consist of...

1976 Dorset County Council, Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset Underwater Survey (DUS) Subtidal dive transect survey

All records relate to "Brachi, Collins, Roberts (1978) - Report of the First Dorset Underwater Survey (Nov 1976 - May 1977)" An extensive collection of preserved specimens from the survey is held...

1976 Dorset County Council, Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset Underwater Survey (DUS) Subtidal dive transect survey

All records relate to "Brachi, Collins, Roberts (1978) - Report of the First Dorset Underwater Survey (Nov 1976 - May 1977)" An extensive collection of preserved specimens from the survey is held...

ACSOE OXICOA EASE-96 and EASE-97: Airborne and Ground-based Measurements of Atmospheric Oxidants

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

ACSOE OXICOA EASE-96 and EASE-97: Airborne and Ground-based Measurements of Atmospheric Oxidants

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 50cm DSM

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 50cm DTM

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 4 PPM LAS (LAZ)

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 16 PPM LAS (LAZ)

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 25cm DSM

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

LiDAR for Outer Hebrides 2019 - 25cm DTM

A lidar survey of the Outer Hebrides was commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to improve the topographic data available for modelling coastal and surface water flood...

3D Urban Interactive geological models

3D geology models have been created for London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Liverpool. Users can create geological cross-sections, synthetic boreholes and horizontal slices through the 3D models....

Digitised magnetogram data from the Carrington storm 25th August to 5th September 1859 recorded at Greenwich and Kew Gardens (NERC Grant NE/V002694/1)

This dataset is the most complete digitised magnetic records (as of Nov 2023) of the ten-day period from 25th August to 5th September 1859 encompassing the Carrington storm and its lesser...

BGS 1:25 000 Classical Areas of British Geology Series geological maps

A series of maps at the detailed scale of 1:25 000 have been produced for areas of outstanding geological interest in Great Britain. Some maps are accompanied by explanatory booklets. The maps were...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) projected area of vegetation in saltmarsh habitats

The dataset contains estimates of the projected area of vegetation derived from the analysis of side-on photographs through the vegetation canopy and recorded for survey quadrats at six UK...

Apatite fission track data from UKGEOS Glasgow borehole GGC01

Apatite Fission Track (AFT) single grain count and horizontal confined track length data acquired from 6 sandstones samples from UKGEOS Glasgow borehole GGC01 drilled in the Dalmarnock area of...

BGS 1:10 560 / 1:10 000 County Series geological maps

For much of the Geological Survey's existence, the County Series of maps were the standard large-scale maps on which geological mapping was undertaken. These maps are based on the Ordnance Survey...

Three-dimensional temporal imaging of X-ray CT imaging of dissolution-driven convection in glass beads

The images in this dataset show the mixing of two liquid solutions in a random bead pack as a function of time and in three-dimensions. The working fluids used in this study are solutions of...

BGS 1:250 000 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Series geological maps of the UK and Continental Shelf

The UTM series of maps are based on 1:250 000 base maps published by the Ordnance Survey. Mapping is divided into squares which cover 1 degree by 1 degree of latitude / longitude in the Universal...

Characterization of shale gas wells for well integrity simulations

The dataset is on characterization of shale gas wells for well integrity simulations. Basing on raw data and other information pertaining to two shale gas wells, acquired from Polish Oil and Gas...