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Coastal Design Sea Levels (2018) – bundle

Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels is a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and typical surge information around the coastline of the UK, including England,...

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2021 Designations

This dataset identifies Nitrate Vulnerable Zones for implementation in 2021. The designations are made by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Nitrate Pollution Prevention Regulations...

Household composition by migration of households

Who lives in a household (pensioner, student, lone parent etc.) and whether they have moved home, or migrated within the country or from another country in the last 12 months. Census Area...

Numbers of households on local authorities' waiting lists

Rents, lettings and tenancies: numbers of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists1, by district: England 1997-2012

NI 192 - Household waste recycled and composted

Indicator measuring the percentage of household waste arisings which have been sent by the Authority for reuse, recycling, composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. Source: WasteDataFlow...

NI 192 - Household waste recycled and composted

Indicator measuring the percentage of household waste arisings which have been sent by the Authority for reuse, recycling, composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion.

Electricity consumption by households in the UK, 2000 to 2008

Electricity consumption by households in the UK, 2000 to 2008

Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)

Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)

Homelessness Acceptances per 1000 households , England, District

For each local authority, the number of households accepted as homeless, per 1000 households. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to people "sleeping rough". However, most of...

Homelessness Acceptances per 1000 households , England, District

The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to people "sleeping rough". However, most of our statistics on homelessness relate to the statutorily homeless i.e. those households which...

Households Below Average Income Reports (Northern Ireland)

Provides information on potential living standards, as determined by disposable income. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Number of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists

Rents, lettings and tenancies: numbers of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists by district: England 1997-2012

Homelessness - Acceptances and households accommodated by Local Authority (LA)

Homeless households in priority need accepted by Local Authorities and households accommodated by Local Authority Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local...

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

Designated Public Places Orders

Dataset showing the locations of Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) that give police officers discretionary powers to require a person to stop drinking and confiscate alcohol or containers of...

Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code

Supplementary planning document for Seaburn Masterpland and Design Code

Non-designated Heritage Assets

Local planning authorities may identify non-designated heritage assets. These are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting...