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66 results found

Environmental conditions at saiga calving and die-off sites in Kazakhstan, 1979 to 2016

This dataset describes environmental conditions at 135 Saiga antelope calving sites (from a total of 214) in Kazakhstan where the predictor variables required for the modelling were available at...

APT-Chemostrat Faroe-Shetland Basin Basement Characterisation and Thermal Calibration Database & Report

The APT-Chemostrat Faroe-Shetland Basin basement characterisation and thermal calibration database and report was published by the NSTA in May 2021 under the NSTA user agreement. The project...

Triaxial compressive strength tests on 'Comiso' Limestone (Ragusa Formation; Sicily, Italy) samples

This dataset contains raw experimental triaxial testing data as outlined in "Castagna, A., Ougier‐Simonin, A., Benson, P. M., Browning, J., Walker, R. J., Fazio, M., & Vinciguerra, S. (2018)....

EPSRC Project: Process Intensification for Post-combustion Carbon Capture using Rotating Packed Bed through Systems Engineering Techniques

The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has caused huge concerns around the world, in particular because it is widely believed that the increase in its concentration in the atmosphere is...

Characterization results of the synthesis of iron sulfide phases (NERC grant NE/J008745/1)

Data produced from NERC Grant NE/J008745/1. Grant Abstract: Iron sulfides are widespread in the environment, where they regulate and control the global geochemical iron and sulfur cycles. However,...

Caledonian Pinewood Inventory

Description: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has the largest natural distribution of any conifer in the world, ranging from northern Norway to Spain, and from Scotland across Europe and Asia to...