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2,953 results found

Parks And Gardens

Historic dataset. Has not been accurately updated for approximately 5 years and the accuracy of the data cannot be verified.

Business Parks

Business Parks

Car Parks

All off-street car parks in Oxford

Parking account

Parking account

Parking places

Parking places

Car Parks

Locations of CAR PARKS within the Ribble Valley

Parking Zones

Car Parking Zones

Parking Expenditure

Parking Expenditure If you require further information related to this dataset, please make a FOI request using our online form.

Parking Income

Parking income broken down by car park including sales, season tickets and rental. If you require further information related to this dataset, please make a FOI request using our online form.

Car Parks

Overlay showing both council owned and private car parks in the Mansfield District

Parks and Gardens

Locations of all parks and gardens in Rutland.

Parking Zones

Location of Parking Zones

Parking Zones

Parking Zones in the Borough of Wellingborough

Industrial Parking

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Industrial Parking and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Parks & Gardens

Extent of open space comprising public parks and gardens in ESBC as polygons.

Parking Proposals

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Parking Proposals (1996-2005 Adopted Local Plan)

Car Parks

Public Car parks in Copeland, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Car Parks

Dover District Council deals with Off-Street parking and provides a number of car parks both free and where charges are imposed

Parking Zones

Boundary showing Parking Zone for central Northampton

Park and Ride

Car parks with connections to public transport that allow commuters and other people headed to city centres to leave their vehicles and transfer to a bus, rail system, or carpool for the remainder...