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272 results found

Anglian Coastal Monitoring Programme Habitat Data 2011

The data consist of shapefiles that contain habitat information on the Anglian coastline. When loaded into GIS software, the data is displayed on a map where each segment of land is categorised...

Local Authority District to Country (April 2023) Lookup in the UK

This is a lookup file between local authority districts and countries in the UK as at 1st April 2023.  (File Size - 56 KB)Field Names - LAD23CD, LAD23NM, LAD23NMW, CTRY23CD, CTRY23NM,...

GP recorded coronary heart disease rates

A dataset providing GP recorded coronary heart disease.  Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death both in the UK and worldwide. It's responsible for more than 73,000 deaths in...

Living England Segmentation (2019)

This is the spatial framework around which the Living England Phase II habitat classification is based. The segmentation was created in the Trimble eCognition software using Sentinel-2 Analysis...

GP practice prescribing data - Presentation level

Warning: Large file size (over 1GB). Each monthly data set is large (over 10 million rows), but can be viewed in standard software such as Microsoft WordPad (save by right-clicking on the file...

Adopted Burnley Local Plan Protected Open Space

This Data is free to download under the Open Government License in order to access these files you will need software that is able to open Shapefiles. Free software is available such as...

HGV & PSV Test Certificates

Pads of Certificates for Heavy Goods Vehicles and Public Service Vehicles, including originals before issue and carbon copies once issued.

Local Planning Authority to Local Authority District (April 2023) Lookup in the UK

This is a lookup file between local planning authorities and local authority districts in the United Kingdom as at 1st April 2023.  (File size - 88 KB).Field Names - LAD23CD, LAD23NMW, Coterm,...

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. (NERC grant NE/K003232/1)

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. Longmen Shan, Szechuan Province, China. Data received from NERC grant NE/K003232/1 4He/3He laser...

1995 IFREMER Cartopep Acoustic Survey data - Habitat map

Interpretation of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter data from the Cartopep campaign carried out by Ifremer, France (1995). Multibeam bathymetry data processed with the Caraibes software (v3.9)...

MCIL 2 charging area boundaries

This page contains the spatial boundaries from the Mayor's Community Infrastructure Levy 2019 (known as MCIL 2), which replaces MCIL 1 on 1st April 2019. The following can be downloaded:: * ...

Bradford Council Personal Injury Collision Data

We use personal injury collision data recorded by the police to highlight problem sites by looking at where clusters of collisions appear and the causes of these collisions. The information...

Major Towns and Cities and Built-up Areas Swipe Map

How would you define the boundaries of a town or city in England and Wales in 2016? Maybe your definition would be based on its population size, geographic extent or where the industry and services...

ICT Spend

This dataset contains a breakdown of ICT expenditure by the Council in each financial year, including hardware, software telecoms and other expenses. It will be updated on an annual basis.

National Trip End Model (NTEM)

The [freely available TEMPro software is required to view these datasets]( The National Trip End Model (NTEM) model forecasts the...

Traffic CCTV contract

Contract for the supply and maintenance of deployable CCTV cameras and associated software and equipment for moving traffic contraventions throughout the London Borough of Barnet between the...


Footfall in the centre of York. City of York Council is currently working with the 3rd party provider on the relocation of some of the footfall cameras to improve their performance. Please note...

Carbon Storage Areas Offered for Application (ED50)

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) is today (14 June) launching the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round with 13 areas of exciting potential available. The new carbon storage...

Carbon Storage Areas Offered for Application (ETRS89)

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) is today (14 June) launching the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round with 13 areas of exciting potential available. The new carbon storage...

Carbon Storage Areas Offered for Application (WGS84)

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) is today (14 June) launching the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round with 13 areas of exciting potential available. The new carbon storage...