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46 results found

Terrestrial Phase 1 Habitat Survey

This dataset holds comprehensive habitat cover data for the whole of Wales derived from a programme of field recording that was begun by the Wales Field Unit (WFU) of the Nature Conservancy...

EPSRC Project: Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a promising means of lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of harmful CO2 leakage are...

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy data (NERC grant NE/M000087/1)

Raw FTIR data from olivine samples used for NERC grant NE/M000087/1. Grant abstract: In 2011, NERC began a scoping exercise to develop a research programme based around deep Earth controls on the...

Experimental mechanical data for single crystal shear experiments (NERC grant NE/M000087/1)

Experimental mechanical data for single crystal shear experiments. Grant abstract: In 2011, NERC began a scoping exercise to develop a research programme based around deep Earth controls on the...

National Statistics Postcode Lookup (February 2018) User Guide

This User Guide contains information about the NSPL including: directory content; data currency; the methodology for assigning areas to postcodes; data formats; data quality and limitations and...

ONS Postcode Directory (February 2018) User Guide (V2)

This User Guide contains information about the ONSPD including: directory content; data currency; the methodology for assigning areas to postcodes; data formats; data quality and limitations and...