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72 results found

Cats per square kilometre- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing a lower estimate of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Cats per square kilometre- upper 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing an upper estimate of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided...

Dogs per household per postcode district- upper 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the upper estimate of dog ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household...

Dogs per square kilometre- upper 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing an upper estimate of dogs per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided...

Cats per household per postcode district- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the lower estimate of cat ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household...

Dogs per square kilometre- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing a lower estimate of dogs per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Dogs per household per postcode district- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the lower estimate of dog ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household...

Cats per household per postcode district- upper 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the upper estimate of cat ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from the UK Climate Projections 2018 Regional Climate Model ensemble 1980-2080 (Hydro-PE UKCP18 RCM)

Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from United Kingdom Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) regional climate model (RCM) ensemble at 12 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years...

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

Approximately 150,000 submissions are received each year for the purposes of disease diagnosis and surveillance (including endemic diseases), import/export testing, wildlife incidents, surveys,...

Data from the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Chile (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Pictures of sulphides and trace element concentrations from ore minerals in the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Chile. Samples were picked for analysis from the Natural History Museum London’s...

Registered point cloud and raw scan terrestrial lidar data for canopy structure studies at tree and plot levels of Caatinga vegetation, Brazil, 2017-2019

This dataset contains 3D Lidar scans representative for 0.5 ha permanent sample plots at Caatinga, Brazil. Two plots were located in Serra das Almas Reserve (SDA) and one plot in Petrolina (PET)....

Data from the Muratdere porphyry Cu (copper) -Au (gold) -Mo (Molybdenum) deposit, Turkey (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Petrological and geochemical data of sulphides and samples from the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Turkey. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Muratdere mine in Western Turkey,...

Processes governing semi-metal - PGE linkage in crustal magmatic systems: opportunities for discovery and recovery (NERC grant NE/L002191/1)

Publications linked to the Grant: Holwell DA, Keays RR, McDonald I and Williams MR. 2015. Extreme Enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of...

Image and numerical data detailing interactions between metal reducing bacteria and metals (NERC grant NE/J024732/1)

These data show images recorded using a variety of methods of a model system of bacterial metal reduction. In all cases the bacteria grew from a pure culture of Geobacter sulfurreducens, and grew...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2012) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2012. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Whole rock porphyry Cu deposit assay data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Whole rock assay data for the El Teniente, Skouries and Muratdere porphyry Cu deposits. Samples were selected for analysis from boreholes in the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Western Turkey;...

Geomorphology of the Cairngorm Mountains

A geomorphological assemblage map of the Cairngorm Mountains, from Glen Feshie in the west to Loch Builg in the east. The Cairngorm Mountains represent one of the finest assemblages of glacial and...

Experimental work on Ivrea ultramafic pipe material (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Results of piston cylinder experiments on lower-crustal material from the Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps. Natural sulfides and sulfide-silicate mixes from lower crustal cumulates were heated and...