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398 results found

Water Link

A network representation of the general alignment and connectivity of permanent water, including rivers, lakes, and canals.


Polygon feature representing an area of permanent inland water. (This abstract has been temporarily padded to import into GeoNetwork)

Water Point

Point feature associated with permanent inland water that is too small to be captured as a Water feature but which OS consider to be of sufficient interest to be captured.


Features related to travel by railway or tramway. Features representing, describing or limiting the extents of railways. The Transport Features Collection contains information relating to permanent...

Total LA dwelling stock (including non-permanent dwellings) - (in LA area owned by that LA)

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

National Forest Estate Water Courses England 2016

This dataset shows captured water courses within the national forest estate. These will be natural water courses which will usually be permanent. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown...

National Forest Estate Dam England 2016

This dataset shows captured dams within the national forest estate. These will generally be created and permanent in character and have an associated reservoir. Attribution statement: Contains OS...

NIO: Special Advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings: July to September 2021

All data on senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality, and [the permanent secretary’s/permanent secretaries’] meetings with external organisations.

National Forest Estate Open Water England 2016

This dataset shows captured areas of open water within the national forest estate. These will generally be fairly natural and permanent in character and not be created by dams. Attribution...

Road Track Or Path

Features representing, describing or limiting the extents of roadways, tracks and pathways. A road is a metalled way for vehicles. A track is an unmetalled way that is clearly marked, permanent and...

National Forest Estate Reservoir England 2016

This dataset shows captured reservoirs within the national forest estate. These will generally be created and permanent in character and have associated dams with spillways and draw down...

DSIT: Senior officials business expenses, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality and the permanent secretary’s meetings on a quarterly basis....

Appeals against Exclusions

Information from LAs on appeals by parents against permanent exclusions and appeals made by governing bodies against LA decisions to reinstate permanently excluded pupils.

DESNZ: Senior officials business expenses, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality and the permanent secretary’s meetings on a quarterly basis. The...

National Forest Estate Bridge England 2016

This dataset shows captured bridges and culverts over 1.5m diameter within the national forest estate. These will generally be created and permanent in character over watercourses but sometimes...

NIO: Senior Officials' business expenses and the permanent secretary's meetings with external organisations: July to September 2021

NIO: Senior Officials' business expenses and the permanent secretary's meetings with external organisations: July to September 2021

Oxidative stress markers in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2017-2021

The dataset includes markers of oxidative state in banded mongooses at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, in the period 2017-2021. Data are: red blood cell concentrations of glutathione; blood...

BEIS: senior officials business expenses, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality and the permanent secretary’s meetings on a quarterly...

Department of Health Permanent Secretaries meetings with external organisations (including meetings with media proprietors, editors and senior executives.

Department of Health Permanent Secretaries meetings with external organisations (including meetings with media proprietors, editors and senior executives.

House building: Dwellings Started - Total

Permanent dwellings started, by tenure and country.