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244 results found

Prison population and accommodation weekly bulletin

Weekly report on the total population in prison and useable operational capacity of prisons. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Prison Population and Accomodation Bulletin

Weekly report on the total population in prison and useable operational capacity of prisons. Published on the HMPS website. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

Annual Central Feed-in Tariff register statistics

National Statistics which show the number of installations and capacity installed by technology type and tariff band that are confirmed on the Central Feed-in tariff Register (CFR) and eligible for...

Central Feed-in Tariff register statistics: monthly data

This release was discontinued in April 2014. Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type. Source agency: Energy and Climate...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...

DCMS Ministerial hospitality, overseas travel and meetings with outside interest groups 1 October – 31 December 2012

In response to a report by the Public Administration Select Committee on Lobbying, the Government committed to publishing information about hospitality received by Ministers in a ministerial...

Spend over £25,000 in the Cabinet Office

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Cabinet Office, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. The final column...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

Feed in Tariff Community and School Applications’ Statistics

Count and installed capacity of community and school installations applying for accreditation under the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Release discontinued from April 2018. Source agency: Business, Energy...

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

Location and details of monuments e.g. stone crosses and war memorials designated as protected within the Borough of Newcastle under Lyme. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to...

Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) Infrastructure Facilities List (IFL)

This data set lists residual waste treatment facilities in England that are tracked by WIDP for the purposes of assessing treatment capacity. The list includes operational facilities and is...

Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) Infrastructure Facilities List (IFL)

This data set lists residual waste treatment facilities in England that are tracked by WIDP for the purposes of assessing treatment capacity. The list includes operational facilities and is...

English Business Survey

The English Business Survey provides a high level view of business and economic conditions across the country over a range of backward and forward looking directional indicators including output,...

MCS and ROOFiT statistics

This release was published for the final time in January 2016. The MCS and ROOFiT pipeline statistics show the number of installations each month that are registerd on the Microgeneration...

Daily Situation Reports

Fast track daily information on emergency pressures in the winter period (eg A&E diverts, beds closed due to norovirus, critical care capacity). Collected from acute NHS Trusts and NHS...

NI 089 Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures and improvement in time taken to come out of the category

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Sub-regional Feed-in Tariffs statistics

Quarterly sub-regional statistics which show the number of installations and total installed capacity by technology type in England, Scotland and Wales at the end of the latest quarter that have...

Feed in Tariff commissioned installations statistics

Cumulative count and installed capacity of all installations deployed via the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Statistics are shown for GB, broken down by technology, size band and data source. From 2018...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...