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Defra Core Tables (resource and capital budget)

The aim of the published tables is to provide an explanation of what Defra spends money on. They provide an analysis of departmental expenditure between resource consumption and capital investment.

Low carbon and environmental goods and services industry analysis

Underlying data from Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) reports. Quantifies the low carbon and environmental goods and services sector with data on UK and international markets...

Low Carbon Generators

Listing of low carbon energy generators installed on GLA group properties as requested in [question 2816/2010 to the Mayor]( during the...

Low Emission Zone

The Londonwide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) was launched in February 2008. The LEZ operates to encourage the most polluting heavy (including buses, coaches, lorries and other specialist vehicles) diesel...

Low Emission Neighbourhoods

A Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) is an area-based scheme that includes a package of measures focused on reducing emissions (and promoting sustainable living more generally). A LEN is delivered by...

Health Survey for England: Trend Tables

The Health Survey for England series was designed to monitor trends in the nation’s health, to estimate the proportion of people in England who have specified health conditions, and to estimate the...

Waste Infrastructure Data Tables 2010

Environment Agency waste permitting data at the end of March 2010. Brings together standard data fields from our permitting systems plus additional information gleaned directly from permits. It...

Department for Communities and Local Government Capital Expenditure Tables

These tables provide final outturn figures for local authority capital expenditure and receipts for the financial years April 2007 to March 2008 and April 2008 to March 2009. The information is...

Achievement and Attainment Tables for GCSE and Equivalent Results in England

Now re-named Performance Tables, these statistics contain school and college level information on the performance of pupils reaching the end of their Key Stage 4 education in England. Source...

Reported Road Casualties English Local Authority Tables

This is a web site based publication presenting statistics on personal injury road accidents and their casualties by English local authorities. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Department for Communities and Local Government Revenue Expenditure Tables

The tables provide final outturn estimates of local authority revenue expenditure and financing for the financial years April 2007 to March 2008 and April 2008 to March 2009. These estimates are...

Statistics on International Development 2012/13: GPEX tables

This release provides statistics on UK Gross Public Expenditure (GPEX) on International Development from 2008/09 to 2012/13. The data includes expenditure by the Department for International...

Low Pay

As a result of a data issue that emerged during quality assurance, it will not be possible to release revised 2012 and provisional 2013 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings results and Low Pay...

Roll History table

Total numbers on roll since 2010 for Maintained and Academy York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). Blanks in the data indicate that school was not open in...

KS5 Performance Tables

Key Stage 5 performance data for schools in Barnet, including the Barnet and national averages.

Table And Chair Applications

This dataset contains table and chair applications in the London Borough of Camden.

Marine human activities-pressures links table

This standardised UK pressure-activities matrix was created following a review of previous attempts to link human activities to marine pressures. Coastal and marine ecosystems have historically...

Department for Communities and Local Government Core Financial and Performance Tables

The 2009-2010 core financial and performance tables for the Department for Communities and Local Government are published as a replacement for the Departmental Annual Report. Following the general...

Ministry of Defence statistics via Build Your Own Table

Tool that allows users to generate tables of defence statistics in the format they require. It includes service personnel statistics, MOD civilian statistics and war pensions statistics.

Children in Low Income Families

This dataset shows official annual experimental statistics for numbers and percentages of Children age under 16 living in Relative and Absolute low income families, by Local Authority District and...