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880 results found

Videos and still images of the seabed from the 2016 survey of the western side of St. Vincent island in the Caribbean

As part of the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (CMEP) Cefas collected 102 drop camera video tows of the seabed off the west coast of St. Vincent Island in the country of St. Vincent and...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Marine mammals (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Eight marine mammal...

Corinth Rift horizon and fault seismic interpretations (NERC grant NE/J006564/1)

Fault and Horizon interpretations are provided for the Offshore Corinth Rift. The majority of the interpretations were based on 2D profiles from seismic reflection surveys collected by the R/V...

Species point records from 1973 NCC Dornoch Firth littoral survey

The remit fot this survey was to investigate the distribution and abundance of the invertebrate macrofauna of the soft substrate shores of the Outer Dornoch Firth from Newton Point to Dornoch Point...

Habitat point records from 1973 NCC Dornoch Firth littoral survey

The remit fot this survey was to investigate the distribution and abundance of the invertebrate macrofauna of the soft substrate shores of the Outer Dornoch Firth from Newton Point to Dornoch Point...

Performance figures

Performance figures for the DBS service - covering the disclosure and barring side of the business and updated on a regular basis.

National Forest Inventory Scotland 2022

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory Scotland 2021

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory England 2021

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory Wales 2022

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory GB 2022

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory England 2022

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

Video transects with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI

Video transects with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). ArcGIS line feature class. Video transects with habitat characterisation across Wight-Barfleur Reef...

Invertebrates identified in pitfall traps within diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

The dataset contains abundances of invertebrates collected from pitfall traps within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located at the University of Reading’s Sonning Farm,...

National Forest Inventory GB 2021

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...


The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

Summary of Food/Feed Safety Incident Root Cause Analysis (RCA) information

The information summarises anonymised Root Cause Analysis (RCA) data received by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for corresponding food/feed safety incidents during the 2021/22 Reporting Year. The...

Species point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.

Habitat point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.


The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...