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GPC Spend over £500 in the Health and Safety Executive

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions over £500 made by government procurement card by the Health and Safety Executive, as part of the Governments commitment to transparency in...

Health Conservation Data

Spectacles Databases

Defence Health Database

A collection of health related personnel systems used for production of health related statistics about members of the armed services. This covers, casualty, mental health, Aeromedical evacuations,...

SHE Health and Safety

Health and Safety management system for risk assessment data.

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2015

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2014

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2013

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2012

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Department of Health Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

The data published includes transactions that have a single transaction value of £500 or above.

NI 119 Self-reported measure of peoples overall health and wellbeing

Self-reported measure of peoples overall health and wellbeing Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System

Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a person can expect to live should current mortality patterns stay constant. This report details how trends in mortality by age and cause of...

Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Workforce Vacancies Publication

Presentation of Northern Ireland Health and Social Care workforce vacancies by staff group and organisation including vacancy rates. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Workforce Census Publication

Comprehensive profile of Northern Ireland Health and Social Care workforce by staff group and organisation, including breakdowns by age, gender and part time working. Also includes information on...

Survey of Asbestos Workers by Health & Safety Laboratory (on behalf of HSE).

The survey provides data on health surveillance of licensed asbestos workers occupationally exposed to asbestos in order to monitor the effectiveness of regulations to control this. This includes...

Health and Safety Executive Prompt Payment Policy and Reporting of Performance

Health and Safety Executive - Prompt Payment Policy and Reporting of Performance

HSE Land Use Planning Data

HSE’s consultation zones have been developed to assist HSE in its role as a statutory consultee for planning applications around major hazard sites and major accident hazard pipelines. HSE use the...

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health and Care Plan

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health and Care Plan by Ward. Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for...

Planning Inspectorate - Planning Appeals Casework

The data in this data set covers the last 5 rolling years for appeals with a decision date. Appeals currently in progress and those which have been withdrawn or turned away are not...

Primary Authority Inspection Plans

A list of the number of Primary Authority Inspection Plans that the FSA has commented on. includes timescales and names of the Primary Authorities

Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Data on Personal Equity Plans (PEP)