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56 results found

Re-assessment of the archaeological potential of continental shelves

The Re-assessment of the archaeological potential of continental shelves project is funded through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund as disbursed by English Heritage. The project assessed the...

Diatom Silica Oxygen Isotope Records from the Late Quaternary Antarctic Margin (NERC lead grant NE/G004811/1, child grant NE/G00413)

Antarctica and its ice sheets have played, and continue to play, a major role in the global ocean-atmosphere system, hence, it is critical that we have a sound understanding of the past behaviour...

QICS Paper: Mapping observations using AUV and numerical simulations of leaked CO2 diffusion in sub-seabed CO2 release experiment at Ardmucknish Bay

A controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment (QICS: quantifying and monitoring potential impacts of geological carbon storage) was conducted in Ardmucknish Bay, Scotland, in 2012, to quantify the...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

QICS Paper: Detection and monitoring of leaked CO2 through sediment, water column and atmosphere in a sub-seabed CCS experiment

Carbon capture and storage in sub-seabed geological formations (sub-seabed CCS) is currently being studied as a realistic option to mitigate the accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere....

Pulleniatina Coiling Data IODP Exp 363 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina U1486 coiling sequence. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program...

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program which...

National Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Audit Second Annual Report 2012

Information from the National Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (HMB) Audit is made available in CVS format. The figures relate to information that was first published (July 2012) in the Audit’s Second...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2019

Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2020

Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2022

Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2021

Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider...

Integrated Floodplain Management - ecology & hydrology data, 2006-2008

Hydrological monitoring data in this data collection result from dipwells installed at studied flood defence scheme, where electronic gauges monitored water-table fluctuations over time. Ecological...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2019

Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider...

Neoproterozoic carbonate geochemistry data: Svalbard and Scotland (NERC grant NE/H004963/1)

The stratigraphic scope of the data is 1) the Polarisbreen Group of NE Svalbard (late Tonian to Ediacaran) and 2) top Appin and lower Argyll Groups, western Scotland (late Tonian to Cryogenian)....

Green Job Postings

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