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505 results found

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Female

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Female

Female dairy cattle aged 30 months and over by country & herd size on 1 December 2009

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of Great Britain born and imported female dairy cattle population aged 30 months and over by country, and herd size as at 1...

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Statistics

The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Enhanced Dataset (SCCI 2026) is a repository for individual level data collected by healthcare providers in England, including acute hospital providers, mental...

Non-UK born workers

This release contains findings on the skill level of jobs held by workers who are not born in the UK. There will also be information on the changes in the number of non-UK born workers in the UK...

Non-dairy female cattle population in Great Britain by county aged 2 and over as at 31 December 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of non-dairy female cattle population born in or imported in Great Britain which are currently located in Great Britain, aged 2...

Mortality from breast cancer in females (CCGOIS 1.20)

Directly age standardised mortality rate from breast cancer for females in the respective time period per 100,000 registered female patients. The following indicator includes a change of...

Alcohol-related mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Alcohol-related mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Alcohol-specific mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Alcohol-specific mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population) *This indicator has been discontinued

Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Calendar Year)

Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Calendar Year) *This indicator has been discontinued

Cattle born Wales died Wales 2007

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains deaths by country, breed type, and age at death born in Wales and slaughtered in Wales 2007. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments...

Death of cattle born in 2005

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains death details of cattle born in 2005 that have died each year in Great Britain from 1 January 2005 to 31 May 2010 Attribution...

Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Rolling 12 Months)

Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Rolling 12 Months)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)

Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year

Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year

Months of life lost due to alcohol: Females aged less than 75 years

Months of life lost due to alcohol: Females aged less than 75 years *This indicator has been discontinued

Dairy Great Britain born cattle for 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency Great Britain born dairy cattle by breed for 2008, applications that have passed Cattle Tracing System validation checks Attribution statement:...

Cattle born in Great Britain by breed for 2010

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains information on Great Britain born cattle by breed for 2010. This includes cattle born In Great Britain and applications that have...

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Export details of cattle born in 2005

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains the number of cattle Born in 2005 and exported each year from 3 May 2006 to 30 May 2010 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Great Britain Cattle Born by breed for 2004

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains information on Great Britain cattle born by breed for 2004. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency