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738 results found

Count of Traveller Caravans

The bi-annual Count Traveller Caravans takes place twice a year and records the number of caravans on both authorised and unauthorised sites across England. It was known as the ‘Count of Gypsy and...

Traveller caravan count

Count of Gypsy and Traveller Caravans recording the number of caravans on both authorised and unauthorised sites by tenure Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities...

Concessionary Travel Statistics

This statistical release presents information on Concessionary Travel in England for the last year and forecasts for the current year. The data are derived from the Department’s survey of Travel...

National Travel Survey

Report presenting the results of the National Travel Survey, a household survey designed to provide a databank of personal travel information for Great Britain. Source agency:...

Traveller caravan count

Statistical data on Gypsy and Traveller caravans in England on both authorised and unauthorised sites across, including listings of local authority sites.

Home to School Travel

The Home to School Travel bulletin provides information on school pupils injured in road traffic collisions whilst travelling to or from school. Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Ministers' overseas travel

Overseas visits made by all ministers costing in excess of £500 during 2009-10

Redfern Travel Contract

Information to allow staff of the central Department for Transport to book UK business travel including: names. official address, e-mail address and telephone number.

Travel Warrant Database

Personal Files - HMS Dauntless, Used to track travel warrants applied for and issued.

Travel bookings

The travel bookings lists the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) staff requirements for public transport and accommodation.

Northern Ireland Disability Living Allowance Summary Statistics

Presents data from the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the DLA population, provides a summary of the main features of DLA and how they...

NI 145 Adults with learning disabilities in settled accommodation

Adults with learning disabilities: All adults aged 18+ with learning disabilities that are known to Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) helped into settled...

NI 145 - Adults with learning disabilities in settled accommodation

Adults with learning disabilities: All adults aged 18+ with learning disabilities that are known to Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) helped into settled accommodation

Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance: Claimant flows

Claimants who either a) were claiming Incapacity Benefit (stocks) on the count date, b) ended a claim (off-flows) during the previous accounting month or c) started a new claim (on-flows) during...

Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Data

A subset of statistics from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) providing the data for people identified as having learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorder (LDA)...

Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Statistics Data

***This dataset has been discontinued and replaced with the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics dataset, available at...

Learning Disabilities Annual Census Report, England

This report presents initial findings from the Learning Disability Census. Data were collected via the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the Department of Health, the...

Travel Survey for Northern Ireland

The publication contains information on journeys taken by Northern Ireland residents by mode of travel and purpose of journey. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation:...

FCO Online travel advice

Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) travel advice for you to re-use in your own applications, widgets and content. It contains current advice for UK travellers to specific countries, detailing...

GB National Travel Survey

The National Travel Survey provides up-to-date statistics relating to personal travel behaviour within Great Brtain designed to identify long term trends.