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919 results found

DH Business Expenses

Information on business expenses of all DH permanent secretaries, director generals and non-executive directors. This relates to costs that have been incurred in pursuit of the department’s aims...

DWP Organogram, 31-March-2017

The data shows an organisation chart for the Department of Work & Pensions at 31 March 2017. It includes a breakdown by directorate, each headed by an individual Director-General, salaries for...

Wisdom Usage Reports

The Food Standards Agency uses a system called Wisdom for document and Record Management. Wisdom is the default system where official records should be added, managed and stored. We produce reports...

Govt Major projects Project Leadership

GMPP Project Leaders (SROs and Project Directors).

Senior civil servant expenses and hospitality - Department for Education

Department for Education, publication of information on Board Directors' expenses and hospitality.

DTrgA Vetting Register

Directorate Security Vetting Register as mandated by Marlborough Lines Security Orders

Departmental Board Register of Interests

Register of Departmental Board Members’ (Permanent Secretary, Director Generals and Non-Executive Board Members) interests.

HMRC Tax Transparency Sector Board

The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board is to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs...

Clinical signs listed in Periodic Safety Update report data submitted to the VMD

The dataset includes all the clinical signs included in the line listings submitted with periodic safety update reports submitted to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate during a one year period....

BIS Information Asset Register

A list of information assets held by the Department. The register was compiled and relates to those assets held in 2015. The compilation is based on returns from each directorate across the...

Diversity Data, SAP Reports and Downloads

Diversity data for all Department for Transport central staff available - Age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, name, location, directorate, etc. Data from System Applications & Products...

DCMS – Permanent Secretary Business costs, hospitality and meetings with outside interest groups

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors. Beginning retrospectively from the start of the 2009-10 financial...

DCMS Business Costs 1 July 2010 – 31 December 2011

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors. Beginning retrospectively from the start of the 2009-10...

Suspected adverse event data submitted to the VMD

The dataset includes all adverse event reports submitted to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate during a one year period. Each adverse event report is identified by the primary key – “ADR No.”....

Organogram of staff roles and salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for senior civil servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and their...

Natural History Museum Disclosure of Expenses and Hospitality

Reports showing expenses and hospitality received by the Trustees and Executive Directors of the Natural History Museum

DH Senior Officials Business Expenses - International Travel 2013-14

This data is for DH senior officials at Senior Civil Servants level 2 (SCS2), director level, or equivalent grades. It includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

UK Commission for Employment and Skills: Executive Leadership Team expenses

Information on expenses incurred by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills’ (UKCES) Chief Executive and Executive Directors.

Department for Transport senior officials hospitality

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, the Department publishes the business expenses of and hospitality received by its most senior officials (the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and...

Department for Transport senior officials business expenses

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, the Department publishes the business expenses of and hospitality received by its most senior officials (the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and...