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Slaughterhouse Deaths by Age at Death 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle that died at slaughterhouses, cattle born before 1 July 1996 which were not registered until 2000, death registrations that...

UK Gulf Veterans Mortality Data: Causes of Death

Causes of deaths among veterans of the 1990/1991 Gulf Conflict Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Gulf Veterans: Causes of Death

Critical care bed capacity and cancelled operations: monthly situation reports

Monthly data on critical care bed use and cancelled urgent operations Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Deaths from Suicide

This data shows deaths (of people age 10 and over) from Suicide and Undetermined Injury, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Suicide is a significant cause of premature...

Excess Winter Deaths

The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWD Index) shows excess winter deaths as a Percentage Ratio of the number of deaths expected in the (eight) warmer months either side of Winter (01 December to 31...

Bed bug detection

Isolation and identification of bed bug compounds with a view to development of a diagnostic device to provide rapid detection of bed bug infestations.

Slaughterhouse deaths by country of birth and death 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of passport applications for cattle born in Great Britain where passport applications have passed Cattle Tracing System...

Slaughterhouse cattle deaths by age at death 2007

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle that died at slaughterhouses, cattle born before 1 July 1996 which were not registered until 2000, death registrations that...

Deaths in Great Britain by age at death in 2006

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains calves dead on registration, cattle born before 1 July 1996 which were not registered until 2000. Death registrations that have passed...

Slaughterhouse deaths by country of birth and death 2010

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of passport applications for cattle born in Great Britain where passport applications have passed Cattle Tracing System...

Death registrations by county and age at death 2007

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains death registrations by county and age at death 2007. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Slaughterhouse deaths by country of birth and death 2009

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of passport applications for cattle born in Great Britain where passport applications have passed Cattle Tracing System...

Deaths by age at death in Scotland 2002 to 2010

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of deaths by age at death in months in Scotland from 2002 - 2010 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Deaths in Great Britain by age at death in 2007

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains calves dead on registration, cattle born before 1 July 1996 which were not registered until 2000. Death registrations that have passed...

Slaughterhouse cattle deaths by age at death 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle that died at slaughterhouses, cattle born before 1 July 1996 which were not registered until 2000, death registrations that...

Suicide and Open Verdict Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

Statistics on suicide and open verdict deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Suicide & Open...

National Offender Management Service (NOMS) Deaths in Custody Database

The central system for storing information relating to deaths in prison custody in England and Wales.

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis. Source:...

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis.

Extent of Serpulid reef and Modiolus modiolus beds in Loch Creran

The purpose of the current study was to initiate site condition monitoring of the reefs of Loch Creran. This was done to establish a baseline biological data set that would facilitate the...