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989 results found

Landscape Policy Zones

This data shows individual Landscape Policy Zones within the Southern Magnesian Limestone and Sherwood Landscape Character Areas

Special Landscape Area

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Special Landscape Area and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Locally Valued Landscape

Locally defined landscape areas that are valued for their contribution to the setting of particular features or settlements and within which new development will be required to demonstrate that it...

Local Landscape Characters

This identifies the character, distinctiveness and qualities of the Borough’s open countryside to enable Bolton Council to find ways of protecting and enhancing the quality of the whole countryside...

ADM Landscape Allocations

Areas allocated for Landscape Buffers associated with another allocation in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Landscape Description Units

Landscape Description Unit (LDU). A Landscape Description Unit is a representation of a Landscape Type in a specific location. These are the basic building blocks of the landscape and are defined...

Landscape Character Types

District-wide Landscape Character Types as defined in the Landscape Character Assessment dated October 2004.

Landscape Character Areas

Berkshire Landscape Character Assessment - Landscape character areas. Landscape character assessment (LCA) is the process of identifying and describing variation in character of the landscape. LCA...

Area of Landscape Value

Area designated in Local Plan2000 as of Landscape Value (Walton Downs area). Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Special Landscape Area

[Special landscape area]( ) – Countryside of very high visual quality; a combination of impressive...

Landscape Character Area

Landscape Character Areas – These areas set out the character and valued features of the landscape across Calderdale. Calderdale has a distinctive and varied landscape which needs to be considered...

Historic Landscape Characterisation

Cornwall Council?s Historic Environment Service pioneered the methodology for Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC), undertaking the first national countywide characterisation in 1994. The...

Landscape Character Assessment

A baseline study of landscape character within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. The study identifies landscape types and areas.

Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape Character Assessment data defines the boundaries of landscape parcels which have a distinctive combination of common landscape features. They provide context to conservation matters and...

SKDC Landscape Assessment

No description provided

NYMNPA Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Types

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the...

NYMNPA Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Areas

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the...

Fife Common Good Land

Dataset provides details of the location and description of Common Good land from the Financial Records passed to the Council from the former Burghs and District Councils. The extent of the land is...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Chobham Common LTMNB31

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Chobham Commonwhich will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) attribute data (access database)

The CDDA is a data bank for officially designated protected areas such as nature reserves, protected landscapes, National Parks, etc. in Europe. The CDDA is run by the European Environment...