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River water quality: Annual average concentrations of selected determinands

This series is an amalgamation of all the river water quality data sets previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information about selected nutrients, heavy metals and other...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1: Average Points Score

National curriculum assessments of 7 year olds in England: Average points score - Key Stage 1 Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and...

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE Average Points Score

GCSE and Equivalent: Average Point Scores and associated value added measures for young people by ethnic group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Overall employment rate (LFS 4 quarter rolling average)

NB: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive is no longer available, so an archive is supplied Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey (ALALFS) employment rates- 4 quarter rolling average Source: Labour...

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Average time from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders

Average number of days from arrest to sentence (three-month rolling averages) for persistent young offenders Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: Police...

Monthly averages and overall average (2005-2009) of the light attenuation coefficient in the water column for photosynthetically available radiation (KPAR)

GeoTiff datasets of average coefficient of light attenuation for photosynthetically active radiation (KPAR) in the Greater North Sea and Celtic Seas. The dataset kPAR2005_ 2009_250.tif contains the...

Immigration Statistics: family data

This record contains data on: entrance clearance visas and extension of stay relating to families.

Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices) Northern Ireland

Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices). Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Average Energy Efficiency (SAP rating) of New Homes, England and Wales

The energy efficiency of new homes as measured by the SAP rating system. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Quarterly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices) Northern Ireland

Quarterly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices). Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

NI 178b - Bus services running on time - Average waiting time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

DCLG DATA4NR: Offender Sentences by type of sentence and average custodial length

Offender sentences by type of sentence and average custodial length. Data4NR reference

Activity and length of stay data for the proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London

-Data that has been used by Commissioning Support for London (CSL) for the preparation of a proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London. The workbook contains information...

Average Time to Relet Homes

This figure is measured in days These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end We have currently suspended recording this information for sheltered accomodation due to...

Average Time to Relet Homes

This figure is measured in days These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end We have currently suspended recording this information for sheltered accomodation due to...

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Average Benefit Caseload for CYC

Average Benefit Caseload for CYC

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Local Authority District Rank of Average Rank

This dataset contains a summary measure of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 at local authority district level. It puts the 326 Local Authority Districts into a rank order based the population...

Average time from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders, England and Wales

Monthly figures on the time taken to bring persistent young offenders to justice. Source agency: Justice Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Young offenders