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Translink Transport Information API

API allows developer access to the same underlying Transport planning data from Translink's Journey Planner, Website Station Screens and App in JSON format. Opendata API Licence and user...

Male and female populations of England and Wales by ethnicity

Data showing the percentage of people in England and Wales who are men and women (and boys and girls). Data is shown for each of the [18 ethnic...

Wind Turbines - Fife

A spatial dataset of all wind turbine applications over 15m (non-domestic) in height excluding scoping/screening/pre-app stages. Information recorded includes Planning application reference, Number...

2016-ongoing Marine Biological Association (MBA) and partners Europe Crab Watch Citizen Science EU horizon 2020 Project

Crab Watch was a European citizen science project run by the Marine Biological Association. It was a EU horizon 2020 funded project. Data was collated from mobile phone app for ad hoc sightings...

2016-ongoing Marine Biological Association (MBA) and partners Europe Crab Watch Citizen Science EU horizon 2020 Project

Crab Watch was a European citizen science project run by the Marine Biological Association. It was a EU horizon 2020 funded project. Data was collated from mobile phone app for ad hoc sightings...

UKCS Relinquishment Reports Viewer

Relinquishment ReportsA licensee can relinquish a licence or surrender acreage from a production licence at any time. The licensee must send the NSTA a Relinquishment Report within three months of...

Highland Council Flare Zones

This GIS layer details the Flare Zones within the Highland Council Area. A Flare Zone is an administrative area referred to within the operations for Environmental Health. Flare is the Information...

OFCOM Fixed Broadband Speeds

Ofcom annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband, mobile and WiFi networks, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. Ofcom gathers [data from the main fixed broadband...

GLA High Street Boundaries - map

Boundaries of High Streets as developed by the Regeneration team at the Greater London Authority. NOTE: these boundaries will be used when sharing data about High Street spend and footfall. They...

Calderdale MSOA demographic profiles

Calderdale district has 27 medium layer super output areas (MSOAs). MSOAs are geospatial statistical terms developed by the [Office for National...

Department of Transport Information Asset Register

The department’s Information Asset Register (IAR) is a table of information relating to the important datasets that the department is responsible for. These information assets are managed in line...

Highway Network

This dataset contains centreline information regarding roads in Northern Ireland that are adopted and maintained by DfI Roads. Use the ADOPTION_STATUS_NAME column to filter the data and to show...

Wiltshire Council - Secondary School Catchment Areas

The secondary school catchment layer provides the schools catchment areas within Wiltshire. Please note that faith Schools eg. Catholic Schools do not have catchment areas and these are determined...

Food Hygiene Rating

City of York Council’s data on Food Hygiene Rating in the city. The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...

CNS Pressure Data and Shapefiles

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

General Medical Practices - by Primary Care Organisation

GP Practices making up each Clinical Commissioning Group, Care Trust, Local Health Boards in Wales (or old style Primary Care Group for closed GP Practices). Contains: A mapping of GP...

Southwark cycle parking

The data holds point locations of cycle parking provision within the London Borough of Southwark including stands, lockers and hangars. For each parking provision there is information on the...

Daytime Population, Borough

Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school...

UKCS Daily Production Data

Under the powers of the Energy Act 2016, detailed daily production data from individual wellbores must be reported to the NSTA, for the whole life of the field, as set out in the NSTA's Reporting...

Daily Production Data Hubs

Under the powers of the Energy Act 2016, detailed daily production data from individual wellbores must be reported to the NSTA, for the whole life of the field, as set out in the NSTA's Reporting...