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183 results found

GM Park and Ride

Map data showing the Park and Ride Car Parks for Greater Manchester (and some near the Greater Manchester boundary). The dataset is available in Mapinfo .tab, Esri .shp, Google .kml and geoJson...

GM Traffic Signal Locations

Locations of traffic signals in Greater Manchester, including Signals, Puffins, Pelicans, Pegasus, Wig Wags, Toucans, and LRT. The dataset is available in CSV, MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, ESRI...

UK Ward Canopy Cover

This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with...

GM Metrolink Network

This mapping dataset represents the present-day operational ‘Metrolink’ network in Greater Manchester. Metrolink is an electrified passenger tramway, using standard gauge rail track (1435mm), and...

National Laboratory Service Product Data

This dataset provides a listing of the analytical capabilities of the National Laboratory Service (NLS). --- The dataset comprises: 1) ANALYTE_NAME Name of the substance or property being...

Conserving farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services (Contribution to European project ‘Farmland’)

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report (pdf) contains data as does 4 of the appendices - pdf with data in tables. The aim of this project is to examine...

GM Cycle Parking

This data includes the location of cycle stands (e.g. Sheffield Stands) which are generally on-street. All data comes from the Local Authorities. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google...

Transport Statistics Greater Manchester Public Transport Section

This report presents results of HFAS’s (Transport for Greater Manchester Highways Forecasting and Analytical Services formerly known as GMTU) public transport monitoring. It includes trends in...

Website Statistics

This Website Statistics dataset has three resources showing usage of the Lincolnshire Open Data website. Web analytics terms used in each resource are defined in their accompanying Metadata...

GM Cycle Routes

Cycle routes in Greater Manchester, including on-road, off-road, and canal towpaths and National Cycle Network routes. Data provided by the GM local authorities. The dataset is available in...

Composition of starting materials, conditions under which those materials were heated to metamorphic temperatures and analytical results, including mineralogy and phosphorus speciation

The dataset includes results from laboratory experiments aiming to explore the reduction and polymerization potential of phosphorus under metamorphic conditions. Table 1 shows the initial...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mobility Report

**_Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this website will no longer be updated. The webpage will no longer be available as of 11 May 2023. On-going, reliable...

Local Enterprise Partnerships (December 2014) Layered PDF Map in England

A layered PDF map showing the individual local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in England as at December 2014. Layered PDF files will not render correctly in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We...

GM Cycle shops

This data came from a desktop study in 2011. Updates were provided by Local Authorities when the paper cycle maps were updated. This dataset was last revised in 2018, and is not up-to-date as bike...

Marine Benthic Invertebrate Species

PLEASE NOTE this record has been retired and is superseded by Marine Benthic Surveys (Biosys) This record is for...

Water quality monitoring data GC-MS and LC-MS semi-quantitative screen

The Environment Agency uses semi-quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS) targeted screening methods to analyse water samples for a wide range of substances at once. This...

Library visits

Libraries play a vital role in bringing together communities and providing a vital social outpost for visitors and residents. This dataset shows the total annual visitor numbers for libraries...

Local Enterprise Partnerships (December 2014) Layered PDF Map in EN

A layered PDF map showing the individual local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in England as at December 2014. Layered PDF files will not render correctly in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We...


Nanoparticles in Food: Analytical methods for detection and characterisation

Earthquake hazard from 36-Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer (NERC grant NE/I024127/1)

Data derived from NERC grant NE/I024127/1 1) 36Cl data and supporting chemistry. This folder contains the 36Cl concentration data, data on sample locations on fault planes, major and trace element...