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1,025 results found

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) all site details (archive series from August 2009 to July 2015)

This spreadsheet contains the UK wide data submitted to the EU Commmission as part of the Standard Data Form information completed for all Special Areas for Conservation (under the Habitats...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Chemical Looping for low-cost Oxygen Production, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Chemical looping for low-cost oxygen production and other applications was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.15. Grant...

Collections database

The Tate Collection Here we present the metadata for around 70,000 artworks that Tate owns or jointly owns with the National Galleries of Scotland as part of ARTIST ROOMS. Metadata for around...

2013 SHLAA Broad Locations

It is a technical assessment of sites and broad locations that are considered, at this point, to have potential for housing. It also includes information on other sites that have been assessed, but...

Bishopsgate Goodsyard Regulation 22 consultation documents

Documents for the Regulation 22 consultation on the planning application at Bishopsgate Goodsyard, PDU reference 1200c, including Socio-Economic Assessment, Noise Contour Plots, LDS Draft Addendum,...

Camden Fire Risk Assessments

On 3 July 2017, the Leader of the Council, Georgia Gould made a public commitment to publish Fire Risk Assessments for all blocks above 10 storeys in the interests of resident safety and...

Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Boundaries

Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies (CAMS) assess the amount of water available in each river catchment. The CAMS Boundaries are an external reference dataset giving an indication of...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C9a, Animal genetic resources - effective population size of Native Breeds at Risk

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C9a, Animal genetic resources – effective population size of Native Breeds at Risk. Genetic diversity is an important...

Special Protection Areas (SPAs) all site details (archive series from August 2009 to July 2015)

This spreadsheet contains the UK wide data submitted to the EU Commmission as part of the Standard Data Form information completed for all Special Protection Areas. Special Protection Areas...

Wales' grey seal photo-identification database: EIRPHOT (1992-2016)

This dataset is a catalogue of seal images that were collected as part of the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and Natural Resources Wales' (NRW) seal monitoring and evidence work. Images...

Single Onshore Borehole Index

The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over 1 million boreholes, shafts and wells and references collections of digital and analogue records from all forms of drilling and site...

Camden Business Survey Report 2017

The Camden Business Survey 2017 gathered key business intelligence around business confidence, activity and employment, and issues of importance. Previous surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2012....

London's Zero Carbon Energy Resource - Secondary Heat

These datasets accompany the London Secondary Heat Study (2013) and provides an understanding of the technical potential (available heat) and deployment potential (delivered heat) of eleven key...

Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn term 2014

This release, published by the Department for Education, provides information on the levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in: - state-funded primary schools - state-funded...

Vehicle Testing System (VTS)

Vehicle Testing Operational IS System (incorporates Technical Records )

Deprivation in Leicester 2019

The English Indices of Deprivation (IoD) was published by Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) on 26 September 2019.  This release updates the indices released in 2015.The...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (Greater Manchester)

Due to technical issues this dataset is currently unavailable to view or download on ArcGIS Online or the Natural England Open Data Geoportal. Please view or download the Greater Manchester...

Pupil absence in schools in England: 2013 to 2014

This release, published by the Department for Education, provides information on the levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in: - state-funded primary schools - state-funded...

Schools: Early years foundation stage profile results: 2013 to 2014

This statistical first release from the Department for Education contains national and local authority level results for EYFSP assessments in England for 2013 to 2014. The release includes the...

Customer Services contact enquiries

**DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS THIS DATA IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE** Information showing customer contact to our Contact Centre and One Stop Centres by month. Dataset Guidance ---------------- * ...