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Air Quality Statistics

This publication summarises the concentrations of major air pollutants as measured by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) in the UK: Particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3), The release...

HPI - Education quality

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Education quality Source: Department of Health (DoH), National Pupil Database (NPD) / Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) Publisher: Health Poverty...

Bathing water quality

This series is an amalgamation of all the data sets relating to the Bathing Water quality. This includes the survey 2011 previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information in...

Government Procurement Card spend over £500 from the Care Quality Commission

A monthly-updated list of all transactions spending over £500 made on Government Procurement Cards by the Care Quality Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

River Water Quality (Regions)

River Water Quality (Regions), including East, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire-Humber & RDA Summary

HPI: Quality of social care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Quality of social care: The effectiveness of care for vulnerable individuals in society Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics...

HPI: Quality of preventative healthcare

Health Poverty Index - Intervening Factors: Quality of preventative healthcare: Ratio of individuals being prescribed statins to individuals suffering high blood cholesterol levels Source:...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

Call Quality System

The Call Quality System contains details of all phone calls that are made to and from the regulator's customer support teams. This information will include personal data about the call (e.g. phone...

Water Quality Archive

The Water Quality Archive provides data on water quality measurements taken from sampling points around the country and then analysed to measure aspects of the water quality and / or the...

Materials Facilities Reporting

This displays the quarterly Operator reported, input and output sampling data that qualifying Materials Facilities are required to provide by the regulations. This excludes additional...

FSA Approved Cutting Plants in England, Wales & Northern Ireland, Authorised for Specified Risk Material (SRM) Removal

Under the domestic TSE Regulations, SRM which is vertebral column from over thirty month bovine carcasses must only be removed in a cutting plant which is authorised by the FSA for this activity....

Data selector for Air Quality statistics

Air quality Data selector for following pollutants: Ozone, Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, PM10 components , PM2.5 components, ethane, ethane, ethyne, propane,...

Air quality indicator for sustainable development

The air quality indicator is one of the 68 indicators of the Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy. It measures annual levels of pollution from particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3), the two...

Ambulance Quality Indicators System Indicators

Information on the quality of care delivered by ambulance services, including the response times of ambulance crews, and the re-contact and call abandonment rates of patients Source agency:...

Ambulance Quality Indicators Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes from ambulance services. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Ambulance Clinical...

Drinking water quality, Northern Ireland

Drinking water quality, Northern Ireland

Extractive Materials Management Statement Summaries - Corporate Entities Only

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA203. Extractive Materials Management Statements are sent in by operators of mines and quarries to demonstrate that extractive materials produced on...

Materials Facility Waste Returns Data January to December 2021

Materials Facility Waste Return Data for January to December 2021.An excel data extract of wastes received at Materials Facility sites (sites covered under the Material Facility regulations:...

Materials Facility Waste Returns Data January to December 2020

Materials Facility Waste Return Data for January to December 2020. Please note Materials Facility Waste Return's Data prior to 2020 is available on the WRAP Portal here: