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72 results found

Dynamic imaging of tracer transport in beadpacks and Ketton Limestone by Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

The data contains three-dimensional maps of the temporal and spatial distribution of tracer concentration during miscible displacements with aqueous solutions in two cylindrical porous samples,...

Wildlife Incident Investigations

The Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme makes enquiries into the death or illness of wildlife, pets and beneficial invertebrates that may have resulted from pesticide poisoning. Approximately...

Animal Licences

Our Environmental Health department is responsible for animal licensing. A licence is required when keeping a Pet Shop, Zoo or Animal Boarding Establishment. This dataset lists the local...

Historic Gridded Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) based on temperature-based equation McGuinness-Bordne calibrated for the UK (1891-2015)

Monthly and daily 5km gridded Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) data for the UK. PET was derived using temperature-based equation from McGuinness-Bordne calibrated for the UK (calibration period:...

Council homes with property and letting attributes

A dataset providing Leeds City Council houses by address, includes build date, property type, property size and type, suitable for pets, heating type, restriction on who the property can be let to,...

Animal welfare licences

The data shows information in relation to licensed Pet Shops, Breeders, Animal & Home Boarders and Horse Riding Establishments in the Leeds City Council District. Please note ----------- * ...

Skouries Cu (copper)-Au (gold) deposit data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1 and NE/M011615/1)

Mineralogical and geochemical data from sulphides and other ore minerals from the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Greece. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Skouries mine, courtesy...

Processing Team - Exports 2015

This dataset contains information on export applications for animal products (meat, dairy and miscellaneous products) and pet animals. The dataset contains columns for the date the application was...

Aurora Ni (nickel) Cu (copper) PGE (platinum-group elements) deposit data (NERC Grants NE/M010848/1, NE/M011615/1)

Sample locations and geochemical data from the Aurora Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic sulphide deposit, Northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Samples were taken from two boreholes on the La Pucella farm,...

Plagioclase and clinopyroxene mineral chemical and Sr isotope data from Unit 10, Rum Layered Suite, NW Scotland (NERC Grant PhD studentship)

These plagioclase and clinopyroxene mineral chemical and Sr isotope data come from Unit 10, Rum Layered Suite, NW Scotland. They underpin a publication entitled 'Rapid crystallisation of precious...

Cat population per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of cats per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean estimate for population for each district, and was...

Dog population per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of dogs per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean estimate for population for each district, and was...

Dogs per square kilometre

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean number of dogs per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Cats per square kilometre

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean number of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Cats per household per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean cat ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household owership rate for...

Cat population per postcode district (upper 95th percentile)

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of cats per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the upper estimate for population for each district, and was...

Dogs per household per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean dog ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household owership rate for...

Dog population per postcode district (Upper 95th percentile)

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of dogs per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the upper estimate for population for each district, and was...

Dog population per postcode district (lower 95th percentile)

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of dogs per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the lower estimate for population for each district, and was...

Cat population per postcode district (lower 95th percentile)

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of cats per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the lower estimate for population for each district, and was...