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36 results found

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Process-Performance Indexed Design of Ionic Liquids for Carbon Capture, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Process-Performance Indexed Design of Ionic Liquids for Carbon Capture was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant...

Hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy construction drawings (NERC Grant NE/P004024/1)

Graphite software drawings of hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) parts. Each part is on a different file. Complete housing assembly drawing shows stacking of all different part on assembled...

HERC - Hertfordshire Grasslands Survey 1985-1989

Records gathered as part of a phase one survey carried out by the South Herts Environmental Records Centre. Mainly records for higher plants but other taxa have been recorded too. Records were made...

Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then...

Public Health data - Mortality rates Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates...

Higher Education Statistics for the UK, 1994/95 to 2016/17

Higher Education Statistics for the UK serves as a quick reference guide to high-level data on all aspects of higher education in the UK. Higher Education Statistics for the UK includes data...

NHS England Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority Information Packs

NHS England's information packs at Local Authority and CCG level that set out key data to inform the local position on outcomes. The Local Authority packs present high-level comparative information...

IODP exp 366 sample description, bulk rock and in situ geochemical analyses (NERC grant NE/P020860/1)

The data include:- sample description file: sample full names, site, hole, depth etc., a quick petrographic description of the sample and the embedding serpentinite mud, and information regarding...

Natural England National Priority Focus Areas

Natural England's focus areas for each Area Team. The focus areas are typically where Natural England (NE) are targeting more than one delivery programme. So these areas are the key opportunities...

Species point records from 1977 SWBSS Lundy sublittoral survey

The present survey was carried out in order to describe the range and extent of the sublittoral habitats present around Lundy. The survey was also intended to test methods for quick survey and...

Habitat point records from 1977 SWBSS Lundy sublittoral survey

The present survey was carried out in order to describe the range and extent of the sublittoral habitats present around Lundy. The survey was also intended to test methods for quick survey and...

QICS Paper: Optical assessment of impact and recovery of sedimentary pH profiles in ocean acidification and carbon capture and storage research

Available methods for measuring the impact of ocean acidification (OA) and leakage from carbon capture and storage (CCS) on marine sedimentary pH profiles are unsuitable for replicated experimental...

Historic Maps Collection

This dataset comprises 2 collections of maps. The facsmile collection contains all the marginalia information from the original map as well as the map itself, while the georectified collection...

Simulated 15-min discharge time-series and baseline simulations for the River Kent following a Natural Flood Management intervention of 'Enhanced Hillslope Storage', Sedgewick, October 2015 to January 2016

Simulated 15-min discharge time-series (1/10/2015-17/1/2016) for the River Kent at Sedgwick following a Natural Flood Management intervention of ‘Enhanced Hillslope Storage’ plus the baseline...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

London Ward Well-Being Scores

These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared...