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Groundwater chemistry, hydrogeological data, geophysical investigations, borehole chippings analysis and local geology for the Tambora region of Tanzania. To investigate low permeability rocks in sub-Saharan Africa.

This data was produced to support a project looking at low permeability rocks in sub-Saharan Africa. Multiple boreholes were drilled for the project with geology identified from chippings....

Measurement of labile metal in soils. Chemical extraction and isotopic dilution data

This dataset contains the concentrations of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, extracted from four soils, using the chemical extractants: 0.43 M HNO3, 0.43 M CH3COOH, 1 M CaCl2 and 0.05 M Na2H2EDTA (MExt...

Library loans (books only)

This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for...

Library loans (all media)

This dataset concerns loans made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The 2000/01 and 2001/02 figures relate only to the number of books issued....

Sumatra Regional Geochemistry

Regional Geochemical data from drainage basin reconnaissance survey carried out as part of a bilateral aid project between the UK Department for International development (DFID) (formerly ODA) and...

Heterogeneity and environmental stress resistance of wild yeast isolates

This dataset contains analytical results for wild yeast isolates from soil samples at and near a disused metal smelting works in the north-east of the UK. The main contaminant from the smelting...

International Regional Geochemistry

A collection of regional geochemical data, mainly from stream sediment surveys, gathered from many BGS overseas projects since 1960s. Some areas are well covered and well documented with data...

Norfolk County Wildlife Sites

The County Wildlife Polygon GIS layer shows the official County Wildlife Site boundaries, as designated by the County Wildlife Site Steering group (of which NCC is a partner). Planning decisions...

County Geodiversity Sites

The polygons are the official County Geodiversity Sites (or CGS) boundaries, formally known as Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (or RIGS) , as designated by the County...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Sample analysis - Particle Size Analysis and Heavy Metal analysis, Atlantic margin (north UKCS)

This report contains heavy metal concentrations (As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Cd, Fe, Hg, Pb, Mn, Ni, Sr, V and Zn) and sedimentological characteristics (particle-size analysis) which were determined in...

Cultural Infrastructure Map 2023

London’s first [Cultural Infrastructure Map]( brings together new research and information that has previously not existed in one place. It plots the...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Fulmar: Multibeam, Benthic Sampling and Video survey flmr_cend0812: Northern North Sea (06/05/2012 to 10/05/2012)

Multibeam data acquired on transit between GT stations collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, WGS84 latitude and longitude co-ordinates collected by Differential Global...

Soil Chemistry England and Wales (version 3)

This dataset has now been superseded, please see the Estimated Ambient Background Soil Chemistry England and Wales dataset. This dataset indicates the estimated topsoil Arsenic(As), Cadmium (Cd),...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Sample analysis - Chemistry (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report contains...

Census 2001 Report for Parliamentary Constituencies

The Census 2001 Report for parliamentary constituencies provides a compact and self-contained reference of key results for constituencies throughout the UK. The constituency profiles are a summary...

Urban Soil Chemistry

This dataset has now been superseded, please see the Estimated Urban Soil Chemistry dataset. There are two themes to BGS urban soil chemistry, the point source dataset and the estimated dataset....

Map based index (GeoIndex) stream water

Water samples have predominantly been collected by the G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) project at an average sampling density of one sample per 1.5 km square. Samples have...

Compass Rose Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Acoustic Data - 2012

Full coverage multibeam survey at Compass Rose Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) in 2012 collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic...

Satellite imagery of the UK/World (digital)

**This dataset has been withdrawn and is no longer avaible from BGS** The database contains satellite images of the UK purchased by the BGS or on its behalf by NERC. It includes data from the...

Elemental analysis of soil in the Ningbo watershed, China

Elemental analysis of 80 soil samples taken in the Ningbo Watershed, in the Zhangxi catchment, Eastern China. Variables measured include As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, P, Pb, and lead isotope ratios along...